Chapter 66, Goodbye.

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Bailey's p.o.v.

Ever since last week when Luke had his breakdown I haven't seen from him nor Ashton. Michael will come around sometimes to hang out after school, or to make music with Calum, it's definitely a change.

A lot has happened since that day. My parents moved back in with us on Wednesday. Caprice and Michael have become official. I've found myself hanging out with Anthony a lot more, and today is Saturday, the day the boy's leave.

I've been up since about four this morning even though I don't have to get up until six. I can't stop thinking about how the next ten months of my life are going to be without the boy's, well mainly without Michael and Calum considering Ashton and Luke aren't exactly in my life anymore.

Since I can't sleep I decide to go downstairs for some water. I quietly walk down the stairs trying not to wake up anyone and go inside the kitchen. I open up the cabinet and pull out a cup.

"You can't sleep either huh?" Calum says causing me to jump and nearly drop the cup.

"Um no, not really" I say tapping my fingers on the glass cup "How come you can't sleep, are you nervous?"

"Yeah" he answers laughing softly "I am"

"How come?"

"Well ever since we've started the band Luke's kind of been the one everyone loved. Ashton, Michael and I are kind of just there you know? I mean I'm grateful that I even get to sing and play my bass, but it sometimes feels like we don't even matter in that group as long as Luke's there. I guess it makes me wonder if this tours going to just be about him you know?"

"Yeah I get it. Yes it's true Luke can sing and play guitar, but if you really think about it all those teenage girls only like him because of that and his looks. He's not exactly a good person and he doesn't have a heart like you do Calum. You're unbelievably talented and in my opinion, Luke's got nothing on you" I smile and he does the same.

"Thanks Bai, I really needed to hear that...can I ask you something?"

"Of course you can"

"Do you think Nayeli and I know, last? What if we can't handle long distance?"

"I honestly don't know Calum. I guess it depends on if your love for each other is strong enough. If you love someone you'd do anything in your power to try to keep them, and if that's how you guys feel about each other then I don't see how you couldn't last"

"I'm just worried that she doesn't love me like I love her you know? What if I go on this tour and she forgets all about me"

"Oh don't be ridiculous Cal, how could anyone forget someone like you" I laugh nudging him playfully "I bet you and Nayeli will be just fine, don't worry"

"Thank you" he yawns stretching out his arms "I think I'm going to get the two hours of sleep I have left, I'll see you when I wake up kid" he smiles walking back upstairs.

I grab my cup of water and fill it up with water like I intended to do in the first place. After I finish drinking it I set down the cup and walk back into my room. I lay back onto my bed and try falling asleep but it's not exactly working. I don't know why I can't fall asleep, for some reason I have this aching pain in my I'm nervous about something, but what? I don't have anything to be nervous about. Unless it's because I have to face Luke tomorrow. But that can't be it, I've faced the ass hole twice since we broke up so I don't see why I'd be nervous now. Maybe I'm just not ready to tell every one goodbye, that could very well be it. Whatever the case is I chose to ignore the feeling and drift off back to sleep.

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