Chapter 44

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I was suppose to use this picture of Bailey like so many chapters ago but totally forgot so I'm using it now...IT'S A BAILEY WITH CURLY HAIR OMG.

Luke's p.o.v.

I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock and groan. It may be Wednesday but this week is going by so fucking slow. I find the strength to get out of bed and then get dressed throwing on a white t-shirt and some jeans. I don't feel like styling my hair so instead I just throw on a hat and go to brush my teeth.

After finishing everything I realize that's probably the fastest I've ever gotten ready for school in my life. I decided since I'm already done I should go wake up Bailey. I walk in her room and sit down on the edge of her bed then look at her and smile. Her hair is spread across her face and I can hear her faintly snoring. I shake her gently and she shifts around and mumbles something.

"Babe I can't hear you when you mumble"

She rubs her eyes and looks at me "I said goodmoring" she yawns "But I don't understand why you woke me even though I don't have school"

"Because my day would've been shit if I wouldn't have seen you this morning" I smile taking her hand in mine. She doesn't say anything but instead sits up and hugs me tightly.

"I hope you have a good day" she mumbles

"I probably won't since you won't be there" I whisper holding her tighter

"You'll be fine, you always have everyone else"

"Yeah but they're not you"

She pulls away from me slightly and softly smiles at me running her hand through my hair

"Your day will be fine and I'll see you when you get back"

"Okay, I love you" I smile pecking her lips

"Kind of maybe love you too" she laughs

"Okay well do you need anything before Cal and I leave?"

"Ummm....maybe one more kiss?"

"Don't have to ask me twice" I lean in and gently peck her lips again then pull away and softly kiss her nose causing her to giggle.

"Okay I'll go now, by the way we're going to Michael's after school to record the video so we won't be back until around five" I sigh getting up

"Alright, have fun"

"I'll try....I miss you already"

"You're not even half way out the door"

I step completely out of her doorway and frown "Now I miss you even more"

"Oh my Gosh go away" she laughs throwing a pillow at me "I'll be here when you get back home"

"Okay fine" I groan leaving

I walk downstairs and grab a water then put it in my bag

"Calum you ready to go?!" I shout zipping my bag back up
"Yeah just hold on!" He yells running down the stairs "Sorry I was talking to Bailey" he sighs grabbing an Apple

"What about?"

"Nothing much, her friend Anthony was going to ditch today so she wanted to know if he could come over while we were gone" he shrugs waking away

"What!? You do know he likes her right? You aren't actually going to allow this are you? You're worried about her and I doing stuff but you're going go let some guy you've never met in here with her!? Cal you've officially-"

"Dude calm down I was fucking with you" he laughs

"Oh" I sigh relieved "Don't mess with me like that"

Jealous Yet? //Luke Hemmings// [OFFICIAL]Where stories live. Discover now