Chapter 4

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Hiyaaa if you're reading rn you should totally pressure lol TY 3

Luke's p.o.v.

"Okay Luke if we're going to make Bailey jealous we need to complete phase one"

"Gotcha..what exactly is phase one?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"You need to shut her out"

"Shut her out?"

"Yeah if she wants to hang out tell her you have plans, if she wants to talk make up an excuse to leave. After a while she'll become concerned, and come to talk to one of us. She'll probably come to me, because besides you I'm her best friend."

"Okay, but I don't see how shutting her out is going to make her jealous"

"That's when the fun part comes in, you my friend are getting a girlfriend"

"A girlfriend?" He has officially lost it "Sorry Ash but I'm not going to use a girl to get another girl..I'm just not like that" I blush.

"But what if she knows about the plan, and agrees to go along with it?"

"Good luck finding a girl willing to do that" I scoff.

"Oh I have someone in mind"

"Like who?"

"The same girl Bailey has been jealous of since 1st grade, the girl who beat her at everything, the same girl that nearly brought her to tears when she tried to take your friendship away from her two years ago. Which I still can't believe you were going to go along with"

"Oh no Ash, not her" I groan realizing who he's talking about.

"Oh yes, Brittany" he smirks.

"Come on Ashton out of all people why her?"

"Okay let me just explain how I vision this. You shut her out, she becomes concerned, talks to me blah blah blah you get that part right?"

"Indeed, continue"

"Okay, so then after Bailey becomes extremely confused you bring Brittany here, and introduce her as your girlfriend. After that Bailey is going to feel like you're replacing her in your life with Brittany, and try to talk to you about it" He pauses for a moment, not speaking.

"Okay, and?" I question

"Luke I know how much you hate this plan already with the whole shutting out Bailey, and pretending to be with Brittany. But I need you to fight with Bailey..."

"No." I immediately respond.

"Luke come on" he whines

"Ashton no.  I hate seeing her cry when I yell at her, or seeing how hurt she gets when I say something rude. I can't do it."

"But if you want her you have to do it. It may not make sense now, but when everything starts playing itself out it'll work."

"How do you know?"

"I've done this before Luke"

"Okay, but everyone is different. What if this doesn't even phase Bailey?"

"Do you want my help, or no Luke" he snaps irritated.

"Okay, okay fine." I sigh running my hands through my hair in frustration. "Fight with her about what?"

"She's obviously going to get jealous, and realize her true feelings once Brittany comes around. She probably won't admit it to herself at first, and definitely won't admit it to you. Knowing Bailey she's probably going to ask why you're with Brittany, and you're going to fight with her saying you're happy with her. You're going to tell her she's being selfish not letting you be happy, because she's jealous." He explains.

"Okay, and then what?"

"We'll figure it out if we get that far my friend"

"Okay, I think I can do this"

"You better, now I'm going to head downstairs. You have to call Brittany" he says winking at me.

"Got it captain" I laugh as he heads downstairs

Now I think his plan could potentially work. I have faith in him, but I can't help but think of what I'm getting myself into. I just hope it's not something I regret.

Ashton's p.o.v.

I walk downstairs thinking the plan over to myself, and I honestly believe this will work. I mean I love Michael but, with the way he's been acting  Bailey deserves way better. Luke truly does love her, so we're really just doing her a favor here. I walk into the kitchen to see the girl of the hour standing there.

"Hey Ashton" she smiles

"Hey what's up shrimp?" I smirk. She has always been ten times smaller than us, and I love to tease her about it.

"Making fun of me already? I sure missed you" she giggles "So Ashton is Luke alright? I saw you go upstairs with him, and I just want to make sure he's okay."

Sorry Bailey, but as much as I love you I have do this.

"Yeah I think he's talking to that girl he likes, she goes to school with us. Um Brittany was it?"

She coughs slightly, and snaps her head up at me "Brittany? Are you sure it wasn't someone else?"

"No it was deffinetly her. I mean I don't blame him she's pretty hot" I laugh nudging her.

I see a pang of jealousy, or even just anger flash through her eyes.  Whatever one it was, it disappeared just as quick as it came up.

"I wouldn't be surprised if they started dating, they'd make a cute couple don't you think?" I taunt trying to get under her skin.

She grits her teeth, and smiles nodding. "Yup they sure would"

After that she walks away returning back to her spot on the couch, and I cant help but grin at how clever I am.

Jealous Yet? //Luke Hemmings// [OFFICIAL]Where stories live. Discover now