Chapter 9

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Hiyaaa if you're reading rn you should totally pressure lol TY

Luke's p.o.v.

We reach the bottom of the stairs and see everyone waiting at the front door. Bailey spots Brittany, and her eyes go wide. She looks like she wants to say something, but just turns her head away instead. Awkwardness fills the room until Ashton finally speaks up.

"Is it okay if Luke and Brittany tag along? It'd be rude to just leave them here all alone. Plus Luke has been on edge, maybe a day out with us all is what he needs"

"Ash are you sure that's a good idea? I mean no offense, but we all know Bailey and Brittany don't exactly get along. We don't need any-" Michael begins, but is cut off.

"Of course they can come!" Bailey interrupts with a smile "Oh, and Brittany I love your shoes! Are they new?"

Brittany shifts uncomfortably "Um yeah I got them a few days ago..thanks"

Everyone's standing in complete shock, and no one knows what to say. Brittany and Bailey have hated each other for the longest time, this is nowhere near what any of us expected to happen.

Bailey begins speaking again breaking the silence. "Well come on everyone let's not just stand there like we saw a ghost, I'm starving!" she laughs opening the door, walking out.

We follow along, but Ashton stops Brittany and I. "Listen you two. I have no idea what's going on with her, but just go with it understand?"

We both nod our heads in agreement, and follow the others into the van.

Bailey's p.o.v.

I knew it. Of course the "lady friend" Luke has over is Brittany. Being upset with me is one thing, being upset with me for no reason is another thing, but being upset with me for no reason, and bringing someone I hate into my own home? Now that's something else. 

I didn't even do anything wrong! He's the one flipping his shit, insulting me and telling me he hates me. But whatever I'm going to do what I intended to do, and be nice to this bitch.

Soon we pull up to a small local pizzeria hopefully not containing any fans, but judging by the nearly empty parking lot I don't think that'll be a problem. We all enter, and are seated while we wait for someone to take our order. The waitress is taking forever, so out of boredom I begin tapping small beats onto the table.

"I'm really proud of how you handled things back at the house baby girl" Michael whispers smiling at me.

"Thank you" I blush trying to hide my face.

"Don't. You look cute when you blush." he grind making me blush again "Yeah" he lightly chuckles kisses my forehead "like that" I'm continue to enjoy this moment, and lean in to kiss him until Calum ruins it.

"Hey can we cut the P.D.A at the table? Lay off my sister for at least ten seconds Clifford" he growls angrily.

"Whatever we'll just have to pick up on that later" he winks, and we all know what he means.

I gasp surprised and reach over to slap his arm "Michael!"

"I was just kidding babe" he whines, pulling me close to him.

"Yeah you better have been" Cal snaps.

"Oh come on Cal. You know Michael and I have never done it" I don't know why, but after those words leave my mouth Luke smacks his hands down onto the table, and begins yelling.

"Pardon me, but some of us don't exactly want to hear about how you two get down in the bedroom. None of us actually give a shit, so if we could all shut the hell up about this that'd be great, thanks" he leans back into his chair and sighs.

Brittany leans over, and kisses Luke's cheek "Oh come on Lukey they're just trying to have some fun, we all know Bailey is to square to fuck Michael anyways"

"Don't fucking talk about her like you know how she is Brittany"  Michael snaps "Even if you did it's none of your concern."

"Yeah Britt not cool" Calum agrees.

As much as I would love to jump over the table, and attack her I stick to my plan and begin laughing.

"It's fine guys it's true, you know Brittany you're a lot funnier than I remember" I muster up the friendliest smile possible, and she just rolls her eyes. I must admit it feels good not letting her have her way.

All of the boys share a few confused glances, except Luke who is completely uninterested in anything going on.  Everyone is silent until someone comes to take our order. Since we're all super hungry, and the majority of us our starving boys who could eat anything you put in front of themail,we order 2 large pizzas, a medium just in case, a side of bread, and of course a salad for Brittany because God forbid she actually eats. The waitress looks at us as if we're crazy, probably wondering when the last time we ate was, but just smiles and walks away.

We wait for our food quietly once again, there's some small talk here and there, but it's mainly silent. After what felt like forever our food arrives, and we all dig in.

All of the awkward tension is gone by now, everyone's talking and smiling. I think I even saw Luke laugh a few times. This is the way it's suppose to be, besides Brittany being here of course.

I start laughing at some lame joke Ash made, and reach for another slice of pizza, but the devil herself stops me.

"Woah there thunder thighs that's your third slice. Are you sure you don't want to slow down?" she laughs to herself.

Luke opens his mouth to speak, but Michael beats him to it standing up for me for what feels like the millionth time today.

"Yes she's sure, and don't insult her like that. Her body is beautiful, she may not be a walking twig like you, but that doesn't mean otherwise."

I start dying of laughter catching everyone of guard again. "Oh my gosh Brittany you're too funny. I haven't heard thunder thighs before, that's a classic" I praise continuing to laugh. "Yeah I think I should lay off. I can't help myself sometimes, you know?  How do you keep your amazing figure?"  I ask taking a sip of my soda. 

"Well Lukey over here sure helps me get quite the work out" she winks. Luke's eyes widen, and I nearly choke on my drink out of shock but play it off as laughter.

"That's good, you two make such a great couple" I smile innocently.

She rolls her eyes. "Thanks" I swear her eyes are going to fall straight out of her head one day.

"Well I'm stuffed what about you guys? Want to head out?"

Everyone stands and agrees. We pay for the food, and thank the waitress  heading back to the van. As we begin driving back to my house I can't help but smile to myself, Brittany didn't get her way and that's all I needed from today.

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