Chapter 25

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Dedicated to @liamonade_ because she's my bestfriend and everyone should check out her story it's really good! Don't forget to vote and comment! Yeah ghosties I know you're out there I'm watching xD

Bailey's p.o.v.

"And you just...lean in"

His lips become closer and closer to mine each second almost as if he's trying to torment me. He can't really be serious right? He wouldn't dare kiss me in front of them would he? Honestly right now I don't care if he does or not I'm just enjoying the wonderful feeling of this moment.

I find myself beginning to lean in as well and just as our lips are barely a centimeter apart he pulls away and leans towards my ear

"And that's how it's done" he whispers pulling away smirking then glides himself back upstairs while I stand here flabbergasted

Oh my God,He did not.

"What...what just happened?" Ashely nearly screams

"Yeah what the fuck was that?!" Calum shouts

"Guys I don't even know myself...but whatever it is I kinda wanted it to happen" I turn to face them "That's not wrong...right?"

"No I mean if I was in your place and a hot guy was all up on me I'd want it to happen too" Ashely laughs

"No,it's just...I just, I don't know" I sigh "We should all just get some sleep yeah? Calum I hope you just learned something because I didn't go through that for nothing" I laugh hesitantly

"Trust me sis I did, thank you" he smiles and kisses my forehead before heading upstairs 

"Yeah I think we should get some sleep too Bai come on" Ashely softly smiles at me and I follow her upstairs


After the most peaceful sleep I've probably had in weeks I wake up at roughly about two...whoops

I make my way into the surprisingly quite kitchen and look around

"You guys here?!" I call out "Hello?"

Well I guess there gone. I begin to roam the small area and stop at the counter where I see a note.

Hey shrimp we all went out shopping for tonight and didn't want to wake you, you just looked too cute! Anyways we should be back around 3:30 or so depending on wether we want to get food without you (we probably will but I'll bring you some c;) so enjoy your time home alone! Oh and we will be bringing you back something to wear missy.

                      - Ashton :DDDD

Oh great I'm leaving my outfit in the hands of idiots I'll probably be going to that party nude. I'd be worrying a lot more if Ashely wasn't there but thank The Lord she is and maybe they'll walk out of there with something decent for me to wear...hopefully

I walk into the living room and sit down begging to flip through the channels when I finally settle on just watching Spongebob because why not right? I sit here for about an hour extremely bored and decide to turn on some music. One Direction begins to play and as Taken begins to blare through the room I sing along. I sing quite soft until Zayns solo comes on because then that's when it all goes down and I do not hold back.

"Thank you for showing me who you are underneath No, thank you I don't need another heartless misery, you think I'm doin this to make you jealous and I know that you hate to hear this but this is not about you anymore"

By now I'm spinning around the room trying to perfect the notes like Zayn but its taking another course and I sound more like a dying goat but oh well

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