Chapter 1

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Luke's P.O.V

"I. Can't. Wait. It's gonna be so sick seeing Bailey again, it's been so long!" Micheal shouts moving around excitedly in his seat.

Now this everyone is what I've been dealing with for the past 3 hours. Our band has just gotten off of our two month tour around the country, and Michael already can't shut up about how excited he is to see his girlfriend, Bailey.

Now don't get me wrong Michael is my best friend, but I may or may not have feelings for his girlfriend. You think I'm a terrible friend? That's probably because I am, but stay tuned it gets better.

I met Bailey when I was younger, I was friends with her brother Calum. At first I didn't really like having her around...she was a tad irritating. Eventually I learned how to deal with it, and would let her tag along with us. The three of us would hang out every day, and it got to the point were we just became inseparable. I guess in that amount of time I just ended up falling for her, but then Michael stepped in.

I mean it's partially my fault that I'm not with her considering I chickened out for so many years, but Michael seriously isn't the guy for her. Sure he acts like the perfect cookie cutter boyfriend when she's around, but other than that he's a proper flirt.

If you were to meet Michael for the first time, and actually talk to him you'd never even guess the guy had a girlfriend.

"Alright everyone we're home!" Calum yells breaking me from my ranting thoughts. Ashton pulls up the van into a parking space, and as soon as we stop I hop out of the van, and head up to the front door anxious to finally be home.

I sluggishly walk to the front door, slinging my heavy bags over my shoulders. Before I can even knock, the door flies open, causing me to stumble back nearly falling over.

Bailey quickly rushes outside, and runs into Micheals arms engulfing him in a tight hug. Completely brushing off my existence, of course.

"Nice to see you too" I mumble rolling my eyes, already beginning to grow irritated. Ashton walks up next to me patting my back.

"You okay mate?" He asks.

"Oh of course" I reply in a sarcastic tone. "Just taking in the warm welcome home"

"Hey don't let it get to you" he chuckles. "You know she's just excited"

"Well she must be excited all of the time" I scoff knowing she's always like this towards me.

"Just hang in there bud" he tells me walking off.

Ashton is the only person -besides my mother- that is aware of how I feel about Bailey. Ash tends to be the most analytic one of the group, and he could spot out my feelings from a mile away, there was no hiding it when it came to him.

I walk inside pushing past everyone else. Once I'm inside I take a look around. I can tell Bailey has done some remodeling. I look up, and see a crooked picture hanging from the wall, and can't help but laugh. Her short structure has never really been helpful when it came to doing these things.

I walk up to the frame straightening it out, then let out a sigh. "Home sweet home" I head straight upstairs into the guest room, and flop down onto the bed. Pulling out my phone, I begin trying to distract myself from the thought of her, but I can't help but let her run through my mind.

I start thinking of her big beautiful hazel eyes, her perfect smile along with her wavy brown hair. Her features make her look so innocent, and I love it.

"Knock, knock" a high voice says gently knocking on the door. I look up, and see Bailey standing in the door way. "Hey Luke" she smiles. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah of course" I nod, and she steps inside setting down onto the bed.

"So what's up? Haven't heard from you in a while." I say sparking up a conversation.

"Same old Same old" she shrugs. "I just wanted to um know for nearly ramming you down" she snickers shaking her head. "I guess I was just really excited to see Michael, you know how I get." She says pushing a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Yeah whatever it's fine." I dryly respond, but it comes out ruder than I intended.

"Wow um okay" she says taken back. "Are you okay? You seem on edge Luke"

"Yeah I'm fine" I lie, and I can tell she knows.

"How about we talk for a second, yeah?"


Well...lets see how this goes.

First chapterrrrr kinda sucked but it'll get better I promise

Jealous Yet? //Luke Hemmings// [OFFICIAL]Where stories live. Discover now