Chapter 36

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Okay so Nayeli is played by -AwsomeAussies- and here's how I pictured her looking Idk but she's gorgeous lol okay hope you guys enjoy this

Luke's p.o.v.

*a few hours later*

"Luke, Calum, Bailey it's almost seven so we must be leaving soon be ready!"

"Okay Mum we'll be ready soon!" I roll over on my side and face Bailey "Okay nap times over we have to drive my mum to the airport"

"I don't want to get up" She mumbles covering her face

"Come on babe we have too, you can sleep in the car alright?"

"Okay fine" she sighs stretching. She stands but her legs give out and she falls right back down onto the bed

"Bailey are you okay? Why are you so tierd?" I kneel down next to her and feel her forehead  "You're not warm so I assume you're not sick"

"No Its just like....its nothing I'm just tired, today was a long day"

"If you say so, you want me to just carry you?"

"No I've got it it's fine" she places her self upward and sluggishly rolls over onto her feet "See no problem" she smiles

"Alright I guess" I turn and look at the collection of hats on my dresser and pick a blue one and put it on

"Woah Woah woah, when did you start wearing hats?" Bailey laughs

"I don't know since my hair became to much to handle." I shrug

"Well maybe if you cut it!"

I turn and cover her mouth with my hand and pull her into my chest "Shhhh don't speak of it,for the last time I will not"

"If you dont mind taking me out of your armpit that would be great" she mumbles

"Nope now you're going to sit there and inhale my stink"

"Ew no stop being weird! And you smell terrible when we get home take a damn shower!"

"Oh thanks how lovely of you just for that you can stay here longer"

She pulls her head away but I forcefully bring it back under my arm

"Luke stop this is disgusting! When is the last time you showered?Goodness!" She gags and struggles under my grip trying to loosen it

"Alright you two let's....what are you doing?"

My attention turns to my extremely confused mother putting on her coat.

"Liz please make Luke let me go he's going to kill me with his oder" she whines fighting off my arm again

"Luke let the poor girl go we have to leave!"

"Ha you heard her let me go"

"Fine you big baby" I lift up my arm and she immediately runs free

"Oh thank God, fresh air" she takes a deep breath and smiles "Yeah that's way better"

"You two are the weirdest most immature sixteen and seventeen year old children I've ever met in my life" my mum sighs rolling her eyes "Now if your done I have a flight to catch so let's go"

"Yeah yeah we'll be down soon just give us a second"

"No I'm not giving you a second to make out  with Bailey while my backs turned, let's go"

"Mum we weren't even going to do that!"

"I don't care we need to leave now its not up for discussion so let's go"

"Fine whatever we'll leave"


My Mums been driving for almost an hour now and Bailey's fallen asleep on my leg. Even sleeping she's somehow managing to make me smile. Maybe it's the way her soft brown hair falls over her eyes, or how cute she looks when she scrunches her nose up whenever she's close to waking up, I really don't know.

I take a strand of her hair and begin twirling it in between my fingers. She scrunches her nose again and shifts her body further towards me causing me to tense up because she's now fully in my lap. I gently push her head back onto my leg carefully trying not to wake her and successfully don't.

"So Luke Bailey's asleep right?" Calum asks looking at me

"Um yeah, why?"

"Well since you'll be living with us for a while we need to talk...we don't think you and Bailey should sleep in the same room anymore, like since you two are getting so close we don't need anything happening between you two"

"Are you serious? Do you actually think I'd do that with her? I can't even get Bailey to go on a date with me and you think I'm going to have sex with her?"

"Well you've admitted to me before that you've thought about it" he mumbles looking away from me

"Luke you said that!?" My Mum gasps "You better not be having disgusting thoughts like that young man!"

"Mum I was only joking when I said it! And I'd never want to do that with Bailey unless she was ready which we all know won't before a very long time..where is all of this coming from?"

" Just listen Luke all I'm trying to do is protect my sister okay? She's honestly all I have in this world and it's my job to look after her and make sure she doesn't just sleep around with guys"

"Sleep around with guys? Calum you of all people should no Bailey isn't like that at all! I'm not going to sleep with her or get or pregnant or anything like that, were not even dating! I respect her enough to know that's something she doesn't want to do and I won't make her so I don't see why all of this is such a problem!"

"Luke" my Mum says softly "Calm down we only wants what best for both of you"

"Well have either of you considered Maybe what's best for us is eachother?"

Calum looks away from me and turns around settling back into his seat. I hear him take a deep breath and see his fists clench slowly.

"Just please take care of her" he breaths

"I can't picture doing anything else"



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