Chapter 50!

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Hiya guys! So I've noticed less people reading and it makes me sad :( I'm sorry if the last couple chapters haven't been that good put pleaseeee don't give up on the story because I'm going to try harder okay? This chapters going to be a little intense with a surprise at the end so yeah guys here you go :)

Luke's p.o.v.

I expect her to say something.. anything really but she just stays silent. I knew this was a bad idea I fucking knew it. Now I get to sit here like an idiot while she stands there probably thinking I'm the dumbest man alive for even asking her that question.

"Yes, I will"

"I knew you were going to say that, I'm sorry I even asked, you probably think I'm such an idiot for taking you out here and trying to-.....wait, d-did you just say yes?"

"Yes" she giggles "Yes I did, you are now no longer single Mr.Hemming's" she smiles brightly and softly kisses me.

"Wait wait wait...lets recap. So this means you're my....."

"Girlfriend? Yes yes it does" she smiles

"And I'm your...."

"That would make you my boyfriend" she smiles "And I honestly couldn't ask for anyone better" she leans in to kiss me but is interrupted by her phone ringing. Really? I can't even get a moment with my girlfriend...girlfriend, I can really get use to saying that.

"Sorry" she sighs pulling out her phone "Hello?....oh hey Anthony" she smiles, of course it's him. "Yeah I'm going tonight...sure okay"

"What is he saying?" I whisper but she just shushes me

"Yeah sounds great I'll see you then...bye"

"So why did he call?"

"Oh um he's going to the party tonight and wanted to know if we could drive there together" she shrugs

"So two are going together?"

"Yeah I guess"

"Bai" I groan "You know how I feel about that kid"

"Oh my goodness Luke don't start" she scoffs walking away

"Bailey it's bad enough having you go but now I have to let you go with him?" I say following her "You're killing me here"

"Luke listen I get that you're worried and all but I'm yours okay? Anthony is my friend and we will never be anything more than that..and those hard headed jocks aren't exactly people I'd like to surround myself with"

"Then why are you even going?"

"To be honest I wasn't going to until I figured out Anthony was"

Wow thanks Anthony you're such a help.

"Alright whatever just remember what I said...promise you'll look after yourself"

"I will I will"

"Are you sure you don't want me to go with you?"

"Yes Luke I'm sure" she laughs placing her hands on my shoulders "I'm going to be fine...I promise"

"Okay" I sigh kissing her forehead "Lets go home"


Baileys p.o.v.

As soon as Luke and I get home I run into my room and throw myself onto my bed. I'm exhausted.

"Bailey we barely even walked" he laughs sitting down next to me

"Okay well I rarely walk at all so to me that was a marathon"

Jealous Yet? //Luke Hemmings// [OFFICIAL]Where stories live. Discover now