Chapter 28

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Luke's p.o.v.

"So how'd everyone enjoy there time?" Ashton asks trying to lift the blanket of silence from the car. When we got inside I made sure that Bailey and Michael where sat as far away from eachother as possible not only for her sake but mine aswell.

"It was a pretty good party not much to do but oh well" Michael laughs. I hear slurring in his voice...was he drinking too? What the hell is wrong with this kid?

I see Bailey clench her fists and try to hold back her words but it isn't long before she's talking back to him

"Oh but I'm sure you found something to do right Michael? You couldn't have possibly just sat around the whole time" she growls

Bailey never really gets mad unless she has a damn good reason like at times like this, and it may be wrong of me to be thinking of how hot she looks when she's pissed but I'm kinda doing it anyways.

"No I didn't just sit around the whole time I-"

"Yeah that's for damn sure" she scoffs

"What do you mean?"

"Oh nothing I'm just sure you didn't sit around the entire time" she turns around and crosses her arms and I can't help but laugh a little


"Okay Guys where here! Get sleep tonight because we have to pack and leave tomorrow at like twelve alright?" Ashton announces as we all exit the car

I catch up to Bailey and turn her around

"Okay Bailey I need you to listen to me I know you want to yell at Micheal but you can't okay, I don't know I'll go and handle it or something and you can yell at him tomorrow but just not tonight"

"And why not? I can handle myself Luke!" She snaps pulling away from me

"No Bailey listen! I know he seems fine and dandy right now but he's not he was drinking okay you can discuss this with him when he's sober" I explain following her inside

"No Luke I'll talk to him now! I'm a big girl you know, I can do things on my own! I don't care if he was drinking I can handle it"

"No I'm not doing this again I'm not risking putting you in a room with a drunk Michael Bailey he could hurt you and I'm not taking any chances. I know that you can do things on your own you're a very smart and independent girl but please I can't let him hurt you" I beg

"How about we both go then..that way the asshole can feel my wrath and you can make sure he won't pull anything that's all don't talk or anything. Got it? Good let's go"

"Bailey I don't know what if-"

"Luke. I said let's go" she glares at me and begins walking towards Michael's room, why must she be so damn stubborn?

Bailey's p.o.v.

"Alright Michael why don't you say we have a little talk" I say bursting into his room and turning on the light

"Ughhh...Bailey what do you want? Did you not hear Ashton to tell us to get some sleep? I have a headache go away" he groans

"Well maybe your dumb ass wouldn't have a headache I you weren't drinking, and no I'm not leaving we're talking. Now" I pull of his blanket and take his pillow from under his head throwing it onto the floor

"God Bailey talk about what!? And why the fuck is Luke in here?"

"I'm here to make sure your ass stays in line" he says bluntly

"Why would I need to get out of line? Bailey just say what you need to say so I can go back to sleep" he sighs

"Alright I know you kissed Brittany"

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