Chapter 56

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Luke's p.o.v.

"Go away! Stop touching me" I hear Bailey scream "Please stop!"

I frantically get out of bed and run into her room. When I get in I see her squirming around in her bed screaming.

"Bailey" I gasp running over to her "Bailey calm down"

"Don't touch me" she cries

"What's going on?" Calum yells running inside

"She's having a nightmare" I say "Bailey baby look at me" I beg softly cupping her cheeks

"Go away you're hurting me!"

"Shh no look at me it's just Luke okay? No one's going to hurt you"

"Luke" she breaths

"Yes it's me you're okay" I reassure pushing her hair out of her face "You were just having a nightmare alright? Everything's okay just breath"

"Okay, I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you guys up"

"It's alright"

"Can you please stay in here? I really don't want to be alone right now"

I look over at Calum for approval and he nods running his hands through his hair.

"Yeah of course I'll stay"

I lay down next to her and she immediately clings on to me.

"It was Aaron, I don't know how I'm going to face him tommorow" she whispers "I've been trying to play it off but I'm honestly terrified

"You won't have to face him, he'd be to much of a coward to take responsibility for what he did anyways"

"But I have gym with him"

"And I have gym with you guys too, I won't let him touch you I promise"

"Okay" she sighs "I love you"

"I love you too" I say kissing her forehead "Now let's get some sleep"


"Bailey, Luke wake up" Calum shouts "Breakfast is downstairs were running late so hurry up!"

"Shit" Bailey groans rolling out of bed "Luke can you toss me my pants?"

"Well you seem ready to start the day" I say throwing them to her

"No it's just I don't want to make Calum late that's all " she shrugs pulling up her pants "So I suggest you get up"

"I rather stay at home" I groan rolling over
"We all would but we can't"

"I mean...we could"

"No I've been suspended for a week and you skipped Friday, we have to go"

"But Bailey" I whine

"Don't but me, get up" she demands hovering over me

I pull her back into the bed and she places herself upright onto my lap.

"Luke we don't have time for this"

"I always have time for you" I smirk

"If I kiss you will you get up?"

"Oh why most certainly" I smile

She leans down and gives me the slightest contact, it was the most pathetic excuse of a kiss. I surprise her by leaning up and smashing my lips on hers and we begin to laugh.

"Did you really think I was gonna let that shit slide?"

"No but I'm guessing you want to continue?"

Jealous Yet? //Luke Hemmings// [OFFICIAL]Where stories live. Discover now