Chapter 21

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Luke's p.o.v.

I sigh and grab my phone to text Ash so he can come back up

To: Ash

Hey man Michael's gone you can come back up now

I wait a few seconds and my phone dings

From: Ash

Sorry man I'm kinda busy right now I'll have to talk to you later ;)

I laugh assuming he's with Ashely and just decided not to respond but instead just think about everything going on. Maybe me telling Bailey won't be so bad, it's better than having someone else spill it to her making it sound like my intentions where worse than they actually are. Or I could just bribe Brittany to keep her trap shut and tell Bailey Michael cheated on her, but I couldn't live with the guilt. Hell I can barely live with the guilt eating me up now let alone more on my case.

At the moment I don't know what to do. Ashtons busy with Ashley,I'm pissed at Micheal, I don't want to hang out with Brittany and the only person left is Bailey but I'm not allowed to be with her or Brittany is going to sabotage my life....huh so this is what it's like having no friends. I could call my mom but she's away on business for the rest of the summer and I don't want to bother her. I feel my eyes becoming heavy and I try to keep them open but decided to just nap instead.




"Lukeeeeee" someone shakes me "Lukeee wakey wakeyyy"

I look up and my eyes are met with the  familiar brown pair I love oh so much


"No it's Jesus you've died come with me" she laughs at my comment from earlier

"Ah turning the tables on me I see?"

"Why yes of course I gotta keep you on your toes now don't I Hemmings?" she smirks as she positions herself over me

"Trust me you're doing a great job at that, now tell me Why you disturbed me from my sleep" I groan

"Well one, you've been sleeping for six hours and your lazy ass needs to get up" she smiles "And number two since we're the youngest in the house and everyone hates us we've been nominated to go grocery shopping to get supplies for the rest of the week"

"Okay first six hours? What time is it?"

"It's nine o'clock love" she giggles

"Wow really? Well my nap lasted a little longer than intsnded" I chuckle "And two we were nominated because we're the youngest? Who exactly is running this system?" I try to act unenthused but I'm beyond excited to spend some time with her

"Oh well um that's fine I can get Calum go with me if you want I guess" she says getting off of me

"No!" I yell pulling her back down to me "I it's fine I'll go" I smile trying to play it off

"Okay well then let's go slow poke" she pokes my cheeks and gets up and I follow her outside

"Alright,who's driving?" She asks

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