Chapter 47

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Bailey's p.o.v.

The car ride to Taco Bell is for once...happy. There was no awkward tension or yelling and fighting its just laughter and smiles...I'm liking it.

"Ashton when are we going to be there?" Calum groans dramatically "My stomach feels like its eating itself"

"Cal you ate an hour ago stop being a baby" I tease rolling my eyes

"Yeah we'll be there in like three minutes hold your horses" Ashton mumbles

"You know what I just realized Ash? We've never thanked you for driving us around everywhere, we really appreciate it you know?"

"Aww thanks shrimp it's about time someone appreciates what I do"

"Hey! I drive you places and you've never thanked me!" Calum complains throwing his arms in the air

"Because you drive me around illegally Cal! You're almost eighteen how about getting your drivers license?"

"No thanks, I rather be a rebel"

"You're not a rebel you're just stupid"

"Hey I'm not stupid! I just don't want to go through the aggravation of taking a drivers test okay?"

"Or because you know you'd fail due to the fact you're a shit driver" I mumble to myself

"I heard that"

"Maybe I wanted you to!"

"Hey! Children in the back you're driving me insane!" Ashton yells slamming his hands down on the wheel "We're here okay please get out while I still only have a slight headache" he sighs massaging his temples

"Sorry" I murmur opening the car door and getting out with Luke behind me

"Hey" he smiles nudging me "I bet I can beat you to the front door"

"Really?" I scoff "I'd totally beat you"

"Well why don't we see then hmm?"

"You're on Hemmings" I yell running towards the front door. I go as fast as I can but see Luke's ahead of me so I run closer to him sticking out my leg causing him to fall over. He groans out in pain and I begin histarically laughing to myself finally reaching the door. Some may say that I'm violent when it comes to competing but that's not the case, I just like winning.

"Why is Luke on the ground?" Calum questions stepping over Luke and walking towards me.

"Oh no reason he just stupidly challenged me knowing that I'd clearly kick his ass" I smile flipping my hair over my shoulder

"That's not even fair! You didn't win you cheated! And now I have a scrape on my knee you butthole!" Luke whines holding onto his knee

"Awww poor baby" I pout bending down next to him "Id kiss it to make it better but that could be infected and like ew, so let's not" I stick out my hand allowing him to grab on and pull him up "See you're fine"

"Whatever lets just go inside" he groans dusting off the back of his shorts

When we get in I smell fresh tacos and can't help but smile. I don't know why tacos make me so happy but I can't help it, they're great. We all walk to the front counter and a lady who looks about our age greets us.

"Hello how can I help you all today?" she smiles

"Um ill have two soft tacos one-"

"Caprice?" Luke smiles cutting me off "Oh my God I haven't seen you in ages! How've you been?"

Jealous Yet? //Luke Hemmings// [OFFICIAL]Where stories live. Discover now