Chapter 41

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Bailey's p.o.v.

I wake up sore, confused and hungry. All I remember is beating the shit out of Allison then blacking out but the real question is how long was I out for? I sit up and place my hands under me attempting to stand and somehow manage to. I feel a little light headed when I stand but decide that I'm fine and slowly walk downstairs.

When I reach the end of the stair case I look around for anyone but it seems there all gone, thanks guys. I sit down on the couch and start thinking of everything that happened today...or yesterday...what fucking day is it?

"Oh good you're up"

"Oh my God!" I scream jumping up

"Woah Bailey it's just me calm down!" Michael screams

I place my hand over my chest and try to steady my breathing again "Sorry I-I didn't realize anyone was home"

"It's fine..they all left but I decided to stay incase you woke up, which you did"

"They left? Left where? And it's still Tuesday right?"

"Yeah it's Tuesday" he softly laughs "And they left to talk to the principal about your..suspension"

"Oh great second day of school and I'm all ready suspended! This has gotta be a record or something" I sigh throwing myself onto the couch

"Yeah, Calums pretty mad" he says sitting next to me

"I bet, he's probably going to ship me off to boarding school or something, wait never mind we can't even afford that"

"No Bailey he's not exactly mad at you he's just mad at the situation"

"What do you mean?"

"So you obviously already know about Allison telling everyone your parents are gone but the school board didn't even know about it until they figured out why you attacked her. They said they wanted to have a meeting with your parents and obviously the truth came out. We never thought we'd ever had to deal with this situation since you never get in trouble but I guess that took a turn"

"Wow Michael what a lovely way of telling me that all of this is my fault" I scoff getting up

"That's not what I was saying Bailey" he sighs following me "I don't think it's your fault alright? I personally think you had every right to do what you did, she deserved it for putting such a beautiful and amazing girl through so much"

"Thanks" I mumble

"No problem....sooo you got pretty beat up huh?"

"What are you talking about? I beat her up"

"Yeah but she did get a few hits on you" he points to my arms and I look down shocked. I have bruises and scratches all up and down my arms.

"I-I didn't even realize she was hurting me" I stutter dumbfounded

"She kinda got your face to...its not that bad I mean it'll all clear up soon but she did get you pretty good"

I run over to the bathroom and look in the mirror. I have a black eye and a busted lip along with a big red scratch across my cheek. I shakily run my finger over it and cringe in pain.

"I look terrible" I sigh "And I mean worst than usual, this is horrible" tears slowly begin to fall down my face but I quickly wipe them away not wanting to cry again.

"Hey don't cry babe" Michael frowns hugging me "You'll always be beautiful I don't care how many scars you have on your face"

"Why are you being so nice to me? I'm not trying to be rude or anything but ever since we ended things youve been rude and distant now all of the sudden you actually care about me"

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