Chapter 13

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Bailey's p.o.v.

"Bailey? Bailey are you okay?" Concern is drawn all over Ashtons face as he snaps me from my thoughts.

"What? Me? Yeah I'm fine I was just...thinking"

"What about? Are you sure you're okay Bailey?" he must be really concerned considering my actual name is being used for once

"Yeah. No. I honestly don't know" I sigh

"Well I'm here if you need to talk to someone okay?"

"Yeah okay thanks Ash, it was nice hanging out but I'm tired I think I'm just gonna go to bed"

"You sure? It's only nine"

"Yeah I think I'm just going to rest" I smile at him and give him a hug then exit the room

Ashtons p.o.v.

She's thinking about Luke, I know it.

What else would be stressing her out so much? She knows she hates Brittany and him together and it's getting under her skin I know it and it's the perfect time for phase two to be put in action.

I run downstairs and sit next to Luke

"Alright kid it's game time Bailey's stressed and I know she's pissed about you and Brittany it's the perfect time to fight with her so get up there"

"Ashton I don't want to right now I can't fucking stand her being so mad at me it's driving me nuts" he rubs his temples

"Well she's already pissed at you so why not, now go before she falls asleep"

"Wait she's trying to sleep? That's even worse Ash she's going to be pissed! I never thought I would say this but for the first time in my life I was scared of Bailey, legitimately scared of her"

"Luke I'm tired of explaining this shit to you stop being a wimp and go up there end of story" this kid is really frustrating me

"Fine whatever I'll go be an ass and fight with an innocent girl that's done nothing wrong okay you win" he rolls his eyes and sulks upstairs, he better not mess this up

Bailey's p.o.v.

I'm slowly falling asleep after what seems like the longest day of my life until someone knocks on my door

"Ughhhhhh come in" I turn over and rub my eyes as they adjust to the new setting of light in my room. I open my eyes to see just who interrupted my sleep.

Its Luke. Of course."Hey" he sits on my bed


We sit in silence staring at eachother wondering who's going to be the first to speak. Surprisingly it's Luke.

"Bailey listen I'm really sorry...about well everything I've been an ass ever since we came back and I said things I didn't mean whatsoever"


"And what?"

I grunt and stand "Oh I don't know maybe apologize for your psychotic girlfriend! The things she's said, the things she's done in a matter of one fucking day! For God's sake Luke she tried kissing Michael! In front of you! If that doesn't bother you than that's completely unbelievable!"

"She was messing around she even told me! She only did it to you to piss you off!"

"Okay so you're telling me that you know she is intentionally trying to piss me off and you're okay with that! Who the hell are you? Do you see what she's doing to you Luke? You're not even the same person!" I don't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry but I'm doing it anyways

"Yeah and honestly I don't care I'm happy with her and just because you're jealous doesn't mean I'm just going to drop her!"

"What is it with everyone thinking I'm jealous! I'm not if you want to date a coincided bitchey slut with no intention of being committed to you that's on you not me" I smirk

"Oh no that's not it at all you like me and you know it"

"Luke are we seriously doing this right now? Stop with the crazy talk and let me sleep" I scoff and turn around to get in my bed but he grabs my wrist and turns me around, next thing I know his lips are on mine....And I don't think I mind it...

Jealous Yet? //Luke Hemmings// [OFFICIAL]Where stories live. Discover now