Chapter 14

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Bailey's p.o.v.

Blocking out every part of my body telling me not to kiss Luke back I do it anyways. Why? Hell if I know. I wrap my arms around his neck and he deepens the kiss. I honestly have no idea what's going on. Yes,  I will admit I think I've discovered some feelings for Luke since I found out he was speaking to Brittany three days ago. Yes, I finally admit to being jealous but I don't know why I am. I had feelings for him in freshman year but I didn't think they'd ever occur to me again

He pulls away, breaking the kiss

"You kissed me" I whisper as if it wasn't obvious

"Yes..I did" he puts his finger under my chin and lifts my head so I'm looking back at him "and you kissed me back" he smirks

"Yeah" I breath "yeah I did"

"Do you you regret it" he gulps

"I-I don't know" "I know it was wrong but I won't was nice"

"Was it now" he raises an eyebrow and smirks

"Yes but back to what I was saying, it was wrong"

"Oh but was it really?"

"Yes Luke it was you have Brittany and I have Micheal and what we just did wasn't fair to either of just wasn't right"

"Sure felt right to me" he flips his hair away from his eyes and smirks at me

"Well listen you cocky shit it was wrong and it's not happening again got it"

"Yes you're right I'm sorry I shouldn't have just kissed you like that and I apologize dearly"

I sigh "Thank you"

"But...then again you shouldn't have kissed me back" he smirks

"Out" I growl pointing towards the door

"Okay your highness I'll leave" he laughs while exiting and I smile a little to myself at how childish he is. I grab my laptop and log onto tumblr scrolling and scrolling until it actually hits me.

I. Just. Kissed. Luke.

Damn this is bad

Luke's p.o.v.

I just kissed Bailey. I don't know what possesed me and gave me the courage to but nothing's ever felt better, she even kissed me back, and enjoyed it, lets just say at the moment I'm on cloud nine. I walk out of her room and down the hall to my room in a magical daze. I enter and turn the light on when I'm creepily greated by Brittany sitting on my bed

"What the Fuck you phyco you nearly gave me a heart attack who just waits for people in a dark room what the actual hell?!" I gasp shocked and out of breath

"Yeah yeah whatever but I know what you did" she smirks

"Um what the hell do you mean"

"Let's just say I saw Lukey kissing Santa Claus hahaha get it because she's fat"

"She's. Not. Fucking.  Fat."

"Oh your just blinded by "love" and you can't see how hideous she actually is"

"That's not the case whatsoever"

"Whatever I still saw you kiss her"

"Okay that's the whole reason you're here anyways, to help me get her so I don't know why you're creepily waiting in my room trying to tell me something that I couldn't care less about" I scoff

"Yeah but here's the deal" She moves and sits in front of me

"You may not want me because you want that...thing..but I sure as hell want you and as most of you know I always get what I want"

"What are you trying to say? Are you threatening me?"

"Ah yes I am hun you're going to tell Bailey that kiss meant nothing and that you only did it because she kept nagging you and it would shut her up"

"Or what" I challenge glaring at her

"Oh I don't know maybe her or maybe her and everyone else in the house will just have to figure out your and Ashtons little plan"

"You wouldn't"

"Oh Lukey you should know by now I deffinetly would, it wouldn't affect me none and wouldn't it be the most perfect little story to tell"

"They'd all forgive me okay...I'm not doing that to Bailey"

"Why not you've done worse to her and all in one day, I don't even think I could Fuck a girl up so much in one day and what makes you think they'll forgive you? You homewrecked and kissed her, you brought me into this little plan of yours just to make her jealous and ditch her boyfriend which is super cute by the way you've made her scream and cry and you think she'll forgive you? Ha that's cute Lukey it really is"

I sit in silence knowing she's right

"So hun what's it gonna be?"



Jealous Yet? //Luke Hemmings// [OFFICIAL]Where stories live. Discover now