Chapter 61

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Bailey's p.o.v.

"Alright I'm ready" I tell Luke while grabbing a sweater "So are we walking or driving there?"

"Walking, it's just down the street"

"Really? How come I've never seen this place?"

"'s kind of hidden"

"Hidden? Why is it hidden?"

"You'll see when you get there" he smiles "Now come on" he takes my hand and walks outside quietly shutting the door behind him. "Follow me"

We begin walking down the street and turn into an ally. Its pitch black and I go to reach for Luke's hand but he's not there. Fear washes over me so I begin walking faster when I reach a dead end. Seriously? I go to turn back around and possibly find Luke but someone comes out from the side of the ally and picks me up.

"Shit!" I scream punching the figure behind me. "Let me go!" I start kicking my feet attempting to get away but they're to strong.

"Bailey it's just me" Luke laughs letting me down.

"You asshole don't fucking do that!" I yell punching him "You scared the shit out of me!"

"Well you were going the wrong way!"

"The wrong way? There is no wrong way it's a dead end! This is just an ally way to murder!"

"Oh hush you're fine" he chuckles "And it's not a dead end" he grabs my hand again and turns into another ally, where the hell did this come from? "I told you this place is kind of hidden, they have illusions that make it look like there's nothing back here"

"Then how does anyone know about this place?"

"Well certain people just get told about it" he shrugs.

We continue walking until I see a light shining from what appears to be a door. I hesitate on going in and he looks over at me.

"What's wrong babe?"

"'re sure this place is safe?"

"Do you really think I'd take you somewhere that wasn't safe?"

"Well no but-"

"No buts, just trust me"

He opens up the door to reveal what looks to be a bar. There's not many people here but for who is here they seem to be having a great time. People are laughing, drinking, playing pool and to be honest it does look like a lot of fun.

"Bailey" he smiles "Welcome to Sam's Place"

"This is actually really cool" I say walking inside "How long have you known about this place?"

"About a year or two" he shrugs

"Luke my boy, over here!" A man shouts. I look over at Luke and see a huge smile plastered across his face. "Sam my main man!" He laughs walking over to him "How have you been?"

"Well I've been just wonderful what about you lad?"

"I've been great" he smiles

"Good to hear! And who's this beauty with you?"

"This is my girlfriend"

"Girlfriend eh? So you gave up on Bailey? What a shame" he sighs shaking his head

"No Sam this is Bailey" Luke laughs pulling me closer.

"Yep that's me" I wave "Nice to meet you"
"Wait so you finally got her?" He asks surprised "Well congrats lad I didn't think you could do it!"

Jealous Yet? //Luke Hemmings// [OFFICIAL]Where stories live. Discover now