Chapter 45

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Bailey's p.o.v

Shortly after connecting my lips with his my body is filled with guilt and regret. For some reason I thought kissing Micheal would bring everything back to normal. I thought maybe, just maybe it would make me feel like I used to before all of this drama started happening but all it made me realize was that my life will never be normal.

I'm never going to be a normal girl with a perfect loving family and an amazing simple relationship. I'm never going to be able to live my life everyday without fearing what's to come the next day. None of that will ever happen because I'm me and I just need to learn to live with it. But no instead of dealing with my problems on my own here I am trying to make them magically disappear by forcing myself to kiss a guy that I don't even love anymore.

"Bailey" he sighs pulling away "Just stop I know you don't want to do this, I'm sorry I kissed you"

"It's fine...I kissed you back"

"I know but I could tell you weren't in to it" he lays down and closes his eyes "You and Luke are suppose to be together and I'm sorry I keep holding you back. I'm ready to get over you because this isn't making our lives any easier"

"I know" I sigh "I shouldn't have kissed you back I'm sorry"

"No it's fine, I kissed you it's not your fault. And I'm sorry that I've been so confusing and acting weird because we broke up its just I've never actually had a girl love me before and so I think if I lose you then maybe Ill never find anyone else who will"

"Michael there are so many girls out there that would love to be with you"

"Is there really though? Look at me and then look at Ashton, Luke and Cal. When people see us together it's like I'm basically invisible to the world! Everyone loves Ashton because he's so nice and then we have Calum who's basically a fucking teddy bear and how could we forget Luke. Absolutely perfect lead singer with blonde hair and blue eyes! And I'm just the outsider....who wants that?"

"Michael please don't think about yourself that way, yeah sometimes you fuck up but you're so amazing"

"You know what I just don't want to discuss this anymore. Let's just go back down there before they think something's up"

"But Michael can't we just-"

"No Bailey whatever you're going to say please just save it, both of us right now are agreeing that were done with eachother and that's just the end of it okay?"

"So you basically want me out of your life?"

"No that's not what I want. I just think we need to end this, like seriously this time or else people are just going to keep getting hurt and I can't have anymore of that"

"Okay, I agree"

He walks over to me and embraces me tightly

"You know I love you right? And I don't just mean like I did when we were together, you're like my family"

"I love you too" I smile hugging him back

"Michael! Bailey! Get down here so we can start this damn video!" Someone yells causing us to jump apart "We're not going to wait forever!"

"Okay fine were coming!" I groan rolling my eyes "Come on let's go before they come up here because believe me they will"

"Yeah alright let's go" he grabs my hand and guides me downstairs. When we reach the end of the stairs Luke looks at Michael and glares then looks down at our hands. I quickly snap my hand away and his face softens then he looks away. Michael looks at me and flashes an awkward smile then goes and sits down by Calum.

"Alright can we start this now? I got the video camera set up and everything so if we're done with all the rebonding relationship stuff...."

"Yeah guys go ahead and do your thing" I smile

Michael grabs his guitar and sits on a stool while Calum and Luke are sat on the floor.

"Alright Bailey would you mind pressing the record button?"

"Um yeah sure hold on" I walk up to the camera and examine the many buttons "It's the red one right?"

"Oh you mean the one that says record on it? No Bailey it's totally a different one" Calum snaps

"Well gee grumpy pants no need to get snippy" I mumble to myself pressing record then sitting back down.

The guys begin playing there instruments and I zone out. I begin thinking about how I kissed Micheal...well how he kissed me, but I kissed back..either way it was a shit thing for me to do. I really really want to tell Luke but we haven't fought all day today and I'd like to keep it that way. Although wouldn't it be even shittier of me to go behind his back and not tell him? And if he finds out later on then realizes I kept it from him he'll be beyond pissed. Honestly when it comes to these situations I feel like such a bitch. Luke does everything for me and would never go behind my back and all I keep doing is betraying him, how can he even trust me? I'm nothing but a liar I even told him nothing was going to happen!

I know Luke and I are suppose to "go out" on Friday but maybe it'd be best if I stayed away from him. Maybe if I give my self some alone time and stay away from boys I can get my mind together..I mean that could work, right?

I look over at Luke and see he's already staring back at me. He smiles at me while continuing to sing his part and I feel my heart flutter. How could I possibly avoid him? He's honestly the sweetest thing.

Okay after they finish there video I'll tell him. I mean I can't just keep it from him right?

"Guys that was great!" Ashton yells

"What the hell you guys are done already!" I shriek. Honestly I thought I'd have time to prepare myself for this.
"Yeah" Luke laughs "You kinda zoned out"

"Yeah, yeah I know..but Luke could we like talk for a second"

"Oh god what did I do?"

"Um no actually this time it's my fuck up"

"Oh...well what did you do?"

"Well follow me and I'll tell you" I sigh

Please let this go well


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