Chapter 6

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Hiyaaa if you're reading rn you should totally pressure lol TY 3

Luke's p.o.v.

I didn't mean it. I didn't mean any of it!
We've only ever properly fought once before this, and I hope the ending result isn't the same as last time.

I didn't mean to say I hated her, I don't even know what possessed me to even think that. I'm just getting so worked up about everything that I'm letting it all get to me.

I hear a knock on my door interrupting me from my thoughts, but I don't feel like answering it. Then again..what if it's Bailey? Maybe she came to fix things? Well Luke why don't you stop asking yourself, and get up to find out.

I jump out of bed, and run to the bathroom quickly fixing my hair. I sprint to open the door, and see Ashton...of course.

"What Ashton" I sigh turning back around irritated.

"You do know it wasn't part of the plan to start fighting with her yet, right?"

"Yes Ashton, and I wasn't going by the plan. We actually got in a fight"

"Damn man it sounded pretty serious"

"It was I-I told her I hated her" Repeating that makes me feel ten times worse than I already did. I still just can't believe I said it.

"What? Luke are you crazy?"

"I know I know. I'm horrible, but I didn't mean it!"

"Luke this seriously ruins everything, and we haven't even started yet! It doesn't matter if you meant it, or not! You know how sensitive Bailey is, and she's going to take this to heart. She's legitimately going to think you hate her. Now she's going to do that girl thing were she feels like she's not good enough. So when it's comes time to announce Brittany is your girlfriend Bailey won't even care! She's just going to let it happen, because she feels like she's holding you back! Why are you talking to her anyways? You're suppose to be shutting her out!"

"I know Ashton, but I just can't do it. How do you expect me to just stay out of her life when I love her? That's like me telling you that you can't speak to Ashely anymore"

"Hey I don't love Ashely, therefore it's totally different situation. I mean we never really talk even though I'd like to talk to her more but..Wait don't try and change the topic on me Hemmings this is serious."

I roll my eyes, and flop back down onto my bed  "Ashton I'm sorry I don't think I can do it."

"Luke let me just point out that it's been what? Four hours since we decided to do this? It hasn't even begun. I know it seems hard, but it's only for a month or so. I need you to do this it'll work out in the end."

"I don't know Ash. What if she finds out, and then hates me."

"Luke that won't happen we're the only ones that know"

"Yeah but what if one of the guys find out. Cal will kill me if I hurt his little sister, and if Michael finds out he'll never speak to me again...and tell her"

"Yeah, but we have dirt on him too. I doubt that'll happen"

"But he doesn't know that we know"

"Which makes it even better!" he smirks throwing his arms up.

"I hope you're right Ash, I'm trusting you on this. Don't let me down."

He pretends to flip is hair to the side, and sticks his nose in the air. "Have I ever let you down?"


"Exactly, and I don't plan to now. So just get some sleep, we've got quite the day ahead of us tomorrow"

"What exactly are we doing?"

"You'll find that out tomorrow."

"I don't like surprises Ashton."

"Well you don't have to, that doesn't mean I'm telling you" he laughs. "Just make sure Brittany is here on time."

"Okay. Can't wait to spend a day with her" I sarcastically cheer.

"Yeah yeah we all hate her, just deal with it. I'll see you in the morning."

"Goodnight Ash"

"Night Luke"



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