Chapter 7

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Hiyaaa if you're reading rn you should totally pressure lol TY 3

Bailey's p.o.v.

I wake up to the bright light from outside shining in my face. I get up, and stretch then turn around to check what time it is, 10:37. I groan then head to my closet, and pick out some clothes for today. After a few minutes I finally decide on black sweat pants, red Vans, and a simple white tee shirt. Short simple, but still clothing, so it's fine by me.

I gather my stuff, and head to the bathroom so I can shower. It's currently in use, so I wait.

A few seconds later the door opens, and out pops my colorful headed boyfriend.
"Bailey I missed you so much." He gasps hugging me

"You saw me yesterday you dork" I laugh pulling away.

"I know, but you fell asleep so early that we didn't even get to cuddle" He pouts sticking out his bottom lip.

"I know I'm sorry, it was just a rough night babe."

"What happened babe? Are you okay?

"Nothing important. I'm fine now, but thank you" I reassure with a soft smile.

"No problem" he kisses my nose, and I giggle "Just let me know if you need anything... okay?"

"Yeah okay, thanks again. I'm going to shower really quick"

"Mind if I join you princess?" he winks.

"Nice try Clifford, but I think I'll
have to pass" I laugh, and head into the bathroom turning on the water. After letting it warm up I step inside.


I complete my relaxing shower, then step out wrapping a towel around my head and body. I open the door to leave, only to become face to face with the person I've been dreading seeing since last night's events.

"Hey Luke" I say awkwardly waving. I wait for him to say something, maybe even just snap at me. But he just walks away as if I wasn't there.

I just don't get it..he's the one that had the audacity to claim he hates me! Now he has the nerve to ignore me as if it's all my fault? Um no, I don't think so. But you know what? I don't care. He can go on ahead, and enjoy his life without me. That's nothing but a loss on his part.

Luke's p.o.v.

I wanted to apologize to her so badly. I can't stand knowing that she's mad at me, but I have to do what Ashton said.

I mean he is a master when it comes to girls, so I have no reason not to trust him. I want Bailey to be mine, and if a little bit of sacrifice will do that, then I'll go with it.

I walk to the guest room shutting the door then lay onto my bed, only to be interrupted seconds later by a knock. I groan, and roll off of my bed to answer the door. When I do I'm greeted by a familiar two sizes too small blonde girl.

"Hey Lukey" she winks biting her lip.

"H-Hey Brittany" I try to muster up a friendly smile, but it's not exactly working. The guys at my school may find her hot, but she honestly disgusts me. She's so flirtatious, and fake, I hate it.  "So who let you in exactly? No one is suppose to know you're here"

"Oh it was just that cute red head downstairs." She giggles twirling her hair. "He seems really nice"

"Right..well let's go find Ashton, and get this thing started"

"Okay Lukey" she smiles taking my hand, and skipping down the hall. It's going to be a very and I mean very long day.

We walk into the room Ashtons staying in, and knock on the door. We patiently wait a few seconds until he opens up.

"Hello my new lovely couple" he grins, leading us inside. Standing next to Brittany right now makes me want to barf, how am I going to pretend to date her?

"Okay" he starts, here comes another Ashton plan."So here's the plan" called it."When everyone is downstairs in the kitchen for lunch you two are going to walk down there,and grab Lukes wallet off of the counter. Everyone is going to be wondering what's up when they see Brittany. I'm going to be the one who asks where you two are going, because I already know no one else will have the guts to. You're going to take Brittany's hand, wink, and say "just out" then they'll get the memo that it's a date"

"Okay, and what are me and Brittany going to do?"

"Go on a date, duh"

"Ash you said this was fake!"

"Go on a fake date. Separate then come back at the same. Cut down a tree. I don't care what the hell you do, just don't fuck up"

"Oh come on Lukey, a date sounds like fun! Let's just go!"

"Whatever, we'll go on a stupid fake date. But let me shine some emphasis on the key word fake. Alright? Everyone's got that right? This is not real."

"Are you done offending me now?" Brittany snaps crossing her arms, and glaring at me.

"Just one more. This. Is. fake." I nod looking back at her. "Alright, now I'm done."

"So does that mean you two are ready?" Ashton asks clapping his hands together.

Brittany, and I look at Ashton, then back at each other, and nod.

And, it begins.

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