Chapter 22

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Luke's p.o.v.

Its currently Friday night, ten o'clock to be exact and there's absolutely nothing to do. Unlike all of our previous trips over the years this one just isn't the same and it's mainly been a dull experience for us all. Its either too hot or raining, someone will want to do one thing and someone else doesn't, we always argue over what movie to watch and I've just become extremely done with it all. I'm laying down scrolling through potential songs for our band to try out when I hear a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I call out

"I'll give you a hint it's one of the Hood's" I hear giggling from the other end of the door and I immediately know it's Bailey

"Hmm that's a tricky one, anymore hints?"

"Its the short one" she laughs

"Hmm I think I may be right but I'll have to make sure" I get up and open the door to reveal her small structure up against the door frame "Well look at that I must be some kind of genius" I smirk

"Yes you've figured out the easiest riddle known to man congrats you're above average" she teases entering my room "Now grab your trunks were going swimming"

"Swimming at ten? Are you sure?"

"Yeah for old times sake! I haven't really hung out with you this whole trip except for grocery shopping so I figured why not" she shrugs

"Yeah okay I'll be down in a second just let me change"

"Alrighty Hemmo hurry up"

I sprint to my duffle bag and dig out my swimming trunks,quickly pull them on and run downstairs to meet Bailey

"You all ready?"

"Yes...but your not" I say looking at her attier "Your not going swimming in shorts and a t-shirt Bailey"

"I know I know" she sighs "I have it on under this okay? I just didn't want to walk around with it on"

"Alright let's go then"

We soon approach the lake and I stop Bailey

"Alright now take it off"

"Why now? The lakes like four feet away let's wait until we actually get on the deck"

"Bailey just do it, remember it's just me and I happen to find your body very attractive so there shouldn't be a problem here" I laugh

"Yeah fine I'll do it" she sighs, she takes her shirt off and throws it at me then her shorts "Hold those for me will ya?" She laughs

"Alrighty I'm ready" she smiles

"Shall we?" I take her hand and pull us both into the cold water

"Luke you really need to stop doing that!" She yells coming above water but I can tell she wants to laugh

"But what's the fun in that?" I ask and she just rolls her eyes. We swim around for a while in a comforting silence until she speaks

"Well if we're doing this for old times why don't we start off like always? Mr.Hemmings where do you see yourself in ten years?" She smiles

"Hmmm very interesting question Ms.Hood" I laugh"I see myself sitting down with my best friends, the girl of my dreams in a nice house thinking back on all of things we've hopefully accomplished over those ten years"

"And what exactly would you like to accomplish over those years?"

"Going on tour with the boys, and I mean a real tour yeah the one we just did was fun and all and the fans were amazing but getting out of our country and going around the world would be amazing ya know? And I'd like to eventually marry the girl of my dreams and settle down an just overall live a good life"

"Do you think you're going to marry Brittany?" She asks shyly "Nerver mind! Never mind,Never mind I'm sorry that was a dumb question I shouldn't have asked that...sorry" she blushes and turns away from me trying to leave but I pull her back towards me before she can go anywhere

"No no its be completely honest with you Bailey I don't think so" I laugh mainly because that's a huge ass lie of course I know I'm not going to marry her. "I mean she's pretty great but I don't know if I could go anywhere with you um ya know think you'll... marry Michael?"

"I don't think so...he's been really distant and it's not even just now he's been like this for a while, he's always out, or he's busy, or doesn't have time to talk...I think he's kinda just forgotten about me" she shakely answers. Its dark but I can tell she's crying, yep Luke You had to ask

"Hey don't think that" I hug her and begin to stroke her now wet hair "You're amazing Bailey Michael's an absolute fucking idiot if he wouldn't want you"

"Thanks Luke" she sniffles "But I don't know what to do about it...I think I'm going to change my look, maybe then he'll still want me around" she sighs and looks down at her hands beginning to fiddle with her fingers, one of her very many nervous habits

"Bailey please don't think you need to change" I put my finger under her chin and lift up her head so our eyes meet "We all love you the way you are, we like your sweat pants and t-shirts, we love how you don't need to wear make-up because of how naturally beautiful you are those are just the things that make you you"

"So what I am is a bum with no style whatsoever, wow that helped" she scoffs turning to leave again but once again I catch her...this time pulling her in a tad closer

"Bailey that's not what I'm saying, I'm just saying that I- I mean we! Um we love you the way you are and you don't need to change for anyone..." I lean in and hover my lips over hers "And even if you do get insecure and feel like you need to change know that I'll never feel like you need'll always be perfect to me"

"Luke" she whines pulling away from me "I'm not doing this I came out here to hang out with you not to cheat on my boyfriend again"

"Please just let me kiss you Bailey" I lean in but she pushes me away

"Are you serious right now!? Why should I kiss you? So you can go ahead and tell me

it meant nothing again! I can't even have a normal conversation with you! You miss the feeling so much well news flash buddy Brittany's right inside!"

"Bailey I-" I try to speak but she cuts me off

"No Luke I've been trying to be cool about it and ignore everything that happened for days so we could go back to normal but you're just not letting that happen! What kind of game are you playing here Luke? You think you can just try and kiss me whenever you want and have me go along with it so you can yell at me ten seconds afterwords?! This isn't okay I hope you know that and you have a girlfriend! I never thought I'd say this but Luke Hemmings you are the biggest douche bag I've ever met in my life" she's crying and her breathing is becoming rapid, everything she just said has left a permanent ache all over my body but I'm more concerned about her right now

"Bailey listen you're extremely right but you need to stop your going to work yourself up and have another panic attack so please please just calm down" I pleed

"Calm down! How am I suppose to calm down my bestfriend since I can even remember is an asshole who is dating a bitch yet consistently cheats on her with me and I go along with it like an idiot!" Her crying slows down and her breathing becomes more steady "That's all I am to you idiot" she snaps herself away from me and makes her way to the deck leaving me alone.


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