Chapter 64

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Bailey's p.o.v.

"Thank you for the dinner Liz" I smile hugging her "It was lovely"

"Well I'm glad, I'm sorry about what happened I honestly don't know what's gotten into him" he sighs

"Oh it's fine, I'll be okay" I reassure even though it's a lie.

"Well him and I will be on our way now, I'll see you soon love"

"Alright, bye Liz" I exit the restaurant and go out to find Calum. I look around and see he's with Nayeli and don't want to intrude but I need a ride back home so I have to. "Hey Calum can you drive me back home? I came with Luke in your car but I'm obviously not going back with him"

"Actually I'm going back home with Nayeli..sorry Bai"

"Oh it's fine, but Ashely already left and so did Michael, who am I suppose to go home with?"

"Can't Liz just drive you home?"

"No, Luke's still there and I'm not staying home alone with him" I breathe.

"Oh..can't you go home with Anthony then? He's a nice kid."

"Yeah, I guess" I mumble

"I'm sorry Bai I know you're hurt, I should be there for you"

"Oh no it's honestly okay Cal, have fun" I smile making my way over to Anthony's car. "Hey Anthony" I smile "How come you never came back to dinner?"

"I just decided to stay out here, I was to pissed to go back inside" He sighs "Is there anything you need?"

"I was wondering if I could stay at your place tonight? Unless Alex is then I guess I could find another place to stay"

"No Alex already left...we didn't exactly hit it off, but yeah of course you can stay"

"Okay thank you" I smile getting inside his car. "So..."


"Did you enjoy the dinner?" I ask as he starts his car.

"The dinner? Yes. The people? Not so much" he says pulling out of the parking lot.

"What? Why?"

"I mean not all of them it's just I don't get a good vibe from the guys, Calums alright though." He shrugs "But like Ashton, Michael and Luke? Absolutely not"

"You just don't like them because you think they hurt me" I mumble

"Think? I don't think, I know. That Michael kid cheated on you, Ashton basically fucked you over and don't get me started on Luke or I'll probably crash this damn car"

"It's not that big of a deal" I shrug

"How can you not be upset? We're all more pissed then you are"

"I guess I'm use to this happening"

"Do you still love him?"

"Anthony" I say biting my lip trying to prevent myself from crying "I really don't know"

"I'm sorry, I'll stop talking about it"

"Thank you"

"Okay so my apartment is right up here, I think I've got something that'll make you feel better"

"I don't need anything to feel better, I'm fine"

"Whatever you say" he sighs parking his car "Were here"

I get out of the car and follow him to his apartment. He opens up the door to a mess in the living room and I look at him disgusted.

"What? I haven't found time to clean"

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