Chapter 51

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Bailey's p.o.v.


"'s us" my mother smiles "Aren't you glad to see us?"

Glad to see them? Is this woman really asking me this question right now? She and my father abandon us and come back five years later thinking I'd be glad to see them?

"This can not be happening" I breath as tears fall from my eyes "This is not happening"

I slam the door in their faces without even thinking and slide down onto the ground. I begin sobbing into my hands and feel myself losing the ability to breath.

"Oh my god" I sob gasping for air. My shaking hands pull out my phone and dial Luke's number but it goes straight to voicemail so I call Calum instead.


"Calum" I cry into the phone "Calum they're here"

"What? Bailey I can't hear you, are you crying?"

"I said they're here! Calum please come home" I plead choking between words

"What? Bailey who's there?"

"Mum and Dad! They're here and I don't know why" I sob pulling at my hair "Please come home Calum please I can't do this by myself I can't"

"Are you serious?" he asks shakily

"Does this sound like something I'd be fucking joking about Calum?"

"No" he sighs "Baiely I'm so sorry I'll be home soon please calm down okay? Deep breaths and try your hardest to not panic alright?"

"Okay" I breath "Just please hurry"

I hang up the phone and throw it at the ground out of anger and begin sobbing all over again. They begin knocking on the door repetitively and I feel like I'm going to explode.

"Go away!" I scream "I don't want you here! Leave us alone!"

I feel my heart beat speeding up with every second and I can't stop shaking. I lay down onto the floor and just continue sobbing. Why are they even here? What the hell could they possibly want with Calum and I now? Did they think that they could just leave as we were growing up and then come back when we were teenagers and all the work was done? If that's what they think then they're going to have one rude awakening because those people will never be my parents.

The knocking on the door doesn't stop and it's only making my head pound. I sit there for about fifteen minutes longer and that's just when everything begins to look blurry. I attempt standing up thinking it'll correct my vision but my dizzy mind and weak body keep me on the floor. A little while goes by and the knocking stops, they finally gave up.

I sit there in silence hearing nothing but my own sobs until I hear the back door slide open. Did they get in through the back? They're going to try to kid nap me aren't they?

I suddenly feel someone grabbing a hold of my waist trying to lift me up and I begin screaming.

"Let me go you bastard I'm not going with you! Put me down now!" I start wiggling out from there grasp but they only grab on tighter

"Bailey stop its just me okay? It's just Ashton no one's going to hurt you" he coos in my ear "Alright I'm just trying to help you stand that's all" he successfully lifts me up off of the ground but my weak legs give out so he carries me instead.

"Where's Calum" I cry into his chest "I need Calum Ashton"

"He's talking to your parents" he sighs playing with my hair

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