Chapter 35

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Bailey's p.o.v.

"Okay your ten minutes start now, don't make me regret this"

"Okay" he takes a deep breath and looks at me "I don't even know what to say because honestly I'll just sound stupid saying it but, I didn't mean what I did. At the party Brittany kept telling me a bunch of terrible things like that you didn't want me anymore...she told me that she would never do that to me and I guess I was so hurt that I believed her"

"I don't believe that bullshit for one second Michael, I know about everything okay? Don't try to come up here and make it look like it was all Brittany's fault when you've cheated on me way before then" I scoff crossing my arms

"Bailey those girls didn't mean anything to me"

"And you think that's an excuse!?"

"No it's not an excuse but I don't know how to get it across to you that I love you! I love you so fucking much and we have a history, we can't just throw all of that away Bailey"

"Well I didn't throw that away you did when you decided to sleep with a bunch of girls! Brittany had nothing to do with the way you acted, you're the one who drank that night, you're the one that cheated and you're the one that caused this! How about for once in your life take responsibility for what you've done instead of pinning it on someone else"

He stands quietly for a moment then walks towards me and takes my hands in his. He slowly leans in and I want to pull away but for some reason I can't.

"M-Michael what are you doing?"

"Just kiss me" he whispers "Kiss me and if it means nothing to you and you don't feel anything...I'll leave you alone"

He begins to lean in again and I follow him doing the same. Bailey don't do this,think of Luke. Think of how upset and hurt he'll be if you go through with this. Are you really going to give up a great potential relationship with Luke to see if you still have feelings for a guy that cheated on you? Are you honestly that dumb?

"Michael" I say stopping him "I'm not doing this, I did love you but I don't think we're right for each other anymore. Both of us are getting older now and we're not the naive 14 yearolds we use to be who thought they were perfect for eachother. We both need to admit to ourselves that we want diffrent things now and I think this just needs to end"

He backs away from me and looks at me with hurt eyes then places himself on the edge of my bed.

"Its because of Luke isn't it?" He asks quietly

I stay silent and slowly nod my head looking away from him. Why do I feel guilty when this is his fault?

"I should've seen that coming" he sighs getting up "I think my ten minutes are up...I hope you and Luke are happy together" he flashes me a crooked smile and leaves the room loudly slamming the door.

I feel tears begin to brim in my eyes. That was honestly the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life. Michael was my first love but I couldn't take him back it wouldn't be right for the both of us.

I grab my phone and go to text Luke to let him know everything went well...or at least kind of well

To: My Sexy Penguin ;)

Hey just thought you'd want to know everything went okay, and did you really change your contact name to My Sexy Penguin? Loser.

From: My Sexy Penguin ;)

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