Chapter 55

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Bailey's p.o.v.

We arrive back at my house and Luke goes to get out but I stop him.

"Wait Luke I've got a quick question"


"What happened between you and Micheal last night?"

" saw that?"

"Yeah" I nod "I did but I don't know why it happened and it really concerns me..the four of you haven't been acting like yourselves around each other"

"I just said something that pissed him off and you know Michael and his temper" he shrugs "But it's not a big deal, were all good now" he smiles

"You promise?"

"Yeah...I promise"

"Okay, good" I get out of the car and walk inside. I walk into the living room and see that Michael and Ashton are still here.

"Don't you guys have family's to go home to or something? You do know that it's a school night correct?"

"Yes but we're going through some very important business right now" Ashton smiles

"Why what's going on?"

"We'll tell you when Calum gets off the phone and Luke gets in here"

"I am in here" Luke yells from the kitchen "I'm just making a sandwich"

"Luke we ate half an hour ago"

"And now I'm eating again" he scoffs

I roll my eyes and look at Ashton "Do you see the sass I have to put up with?"

"Guys it's official the meetings set and everything" Calum screams running into the living room "I can't believe it this is amazing!"

"Oh my god are you serious?" Ashton exclaims

"So are you going to explain to us what's going on or..?"

"Oh my god Bailey sit down because this news is to good for standing. You know that band One Direction?"

"Yeah I love them how could I not?"

"Well one of the bandmates I believe it was....Lewis?"

"Lewis? I think you mean Louis"

"Yeah yeah same thing" he scoffs "He saw our video and loves it so we set up a meeting"

"Wait wait wait...a meeting for what?"

"To see if we can be there opening act for their next tour!"

I freeze in my place absolutely astonished

"A-Are you serious? So like..a world tour?"

"Yes isn't it amazing!?"

"Oh my goodness" Luke breathes "I can't believe this"

"It's not completely official just yet but we have our meeting on Thursday and we'll see where it goes from there"

"But Bailey's birthday is on Thursday" Luke points out

"That's why I got it scheduled during school so we can pick her up afterwards then head home"

"Are you sure? Because I don't want to miss her birthday Calum"

"Guys it's fine! This is a thousand times more important than a birthday. Chances like this come once in a lifetime, birthdays come every year" I reassure "So don't even worry about it"

"The people you love come before everything" he mumbles and I flash him a soft smile.

"Don't worry I guarantee that we will be here for your birthday alright?"

Jealous Yet? //Luke Hemmings// [OFFICIAL]Where stories live. Discover now