Chapter 27

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Luke's p.o.v.

"Y-You what? You love me?" Her eyes widen in shock and she wipes her tear stained face

"Yeah, I really do Bailey and I get that you and Michael just broke up and-"

"We um didn't break up yet...he doesn't know I know so it hasn't exactly been settled"

"But you guys are done right? You're not going to continue to date him?"

"No Luke I'm not stupid" she scoffs "I just I don't know, I'm just really hurt you know?" She looks up at me with her tear filled eyes full of hurt and pain and it's enough to almost make me cry "I knew all my life I was never good enough for anyone, that no one wanted me and all I'd ever be was a girl in the crowd looking to fit in. Then he came along..he wanted me, it was so amazing having that feeling for once Luke" she sighs and attempts to hold back her tears

"Bailey no baby please don't cry, look at me" I lift up her head and look into her eyes "You dont have to feel like that, to me you will always be good enough, I'll always want you around no matter what, Michael's the biggest idiot I've ever met in my life for having someone like you in is life and taking you for granted. I've wanted you to be mine forever but you never were because of him and he had you and just let you go so fucking easily and God Damn it I'm going to murder him" I let go of her and vigorously punch the phone booth next to us causing a loud bang

"Will you damn teenagers stop with all the ruckus? You're riolling up my dogs!" Some lady shouts from her apartment window

"Sorry mam it won't happen again" Bailey shouts back terrified..she's never been good with people yelling at her

"Bailey come on we need to go back, I know you're upset but we can't stay out here forever alright?" I grab her hand and drag her back towards the house without allowing her to argue


"11:52 great we made it before Ashton could flip" I sigh in relief and walk towards the van but Bailey stops me

"Luke..what do I do? Michael doesn't know I know and he's going to try and act like he never did anything and what do I do stand back and let it happen?"

"No you ignore him the entire ride home so he'll know your mad then when we get home you go upstairs and I handle the rest" I smirk

"Luke please don't hurt him" she pleads

"Oh why because he's done such a great job at not hurting you?" I growl and she frows looking down

"Alright sorry" she murmurs

"No ugh I'm sorry" I sigh "I shouldn't be getting frustrated at you for his dick moves.. and this may seem like bad timing but I was wondering if maybe me and you could like you know...go out sometime, maybe?"

"Luke I just got out of a relationship and the guy I just got out of a relationship with doesn't even know it's over..I'm really glad you told me your feelings and yeah I like you but I think I should wait" she sighs

Well damn...why did I ask? Of course she isn't ready for this Luke be patient.

"I understand...I'm sorry for asking" I look at her and she smiles

"It's fine...but that shouldn't stop you from asking me in a few weeks" she leans in and kisses my cheek

Not what I hoped for but hey I'm not complaining, now that that's all been settled (quite well might I add) I just have to deal with Michael. He promised me he wasn't cheating on Bailey with Brittany and that son of a bitch lied straight to my face. Did he really think he wasn't going to get caught?  Well guess what he did and he's sure in for it.

Wow...that sucked so bad guys I'm sorry I just needed this so that I can make my way into the next chapter so bare with me please love you all ❤

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