Chapter 12

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Bailey's p.o.v.

I run downstairs to let everyone know that Ashely is coming along, which I am beyond thankful for. I walk into the living room, and everyone's sitting down chatting.

"Okay guys Ashley is coming along!" I cheer taking a seat. "Oh and Ash?"

"Yeah?" He responds looking up at me.

"I hear she's buying a new bathing suit for the occasion" I wink with a smirk.

Everyone begins to laugh and start ooing Ashton. "Shut up guys I don't like her!" He blushes.

"Ash we all know you like her it's obvious, and we all know she likes you too." Calum tells him.

"I'm not so sure about that..."

"Trust me she does, so stop being a pussy about it. Just ask her out"

"No Calum it's not that simple"

"Yes it is. Micheal asked out Bailey, and Luke asked out Brittany. Tell him guys, it's no big deal"

"You know what Calum? Call me when you get the guts to ask a girl out, and not just stare at them from a mile away." Ashton saps growing defensive.

"Alright guys break it up let's play a game or something" Michael suggests cutting off their argument.

"Oh I have an idea!" Brittany jumps of the couch and places herself on the floor "Lets play Truth or Dare!!!"

We all groan."Brittany we're not in third grade" I scoff.

"Well it's much better than listening to those two argue. What? Do you have a better idea?"

"" I mumble.

"Wonderful, then take a seat love."

I give in and sit down while the others follow along. This game better go smoothly considering I have a very small urge restricting me from slapping Brittany.

We've been playing this game for about fifteen minutes, and I'm already bored out of my mind. Everyone's been picking truth being to scared to actually get a dare. I mean dares are what actually make this game fun.

"Michael Truth or Dare" Brittany asks.

"Hmmm, I'll pick dare." Well it's about time.

"I dare kiss me"

Wait, someone tell me I just heard her wrong. Kiss her? Yeah okay over my dead body.  Micheal blushes, and I think I even see him leaning in.

"Excuse me, but I don't fucking think so." I scoff fuming. "What the hell is your problem?'

"Bailey it's just a game, calm down" she sighs rolling her eyes.

"Me calm down? Why should I have to be calm when you're trying to push your slut ass upon my boyfriend? You have a desperate one of your own if kissing is what you're after."

"Who gave you the right to speak to me like that?" She snaps standing up, and I do the same.

"I don't need permission to put you in your place" I spit stepping closer to her.

"Sorry but I'm a lady, I don't fight. I have respect for myself." She says sticking her nose up in the air.

"You claim to be a lady who "respects" herself. Yet you hop on every dick in eyesight. Sorry, but that doesn't sound very lady like."

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