Chapter 31

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Bailey's p.o.v.

I hear loud ringing from my alarm and when it hits me, I have school today.

I stretch out my arms and manage to roll myself out of my bed making my way to my closet. Most girls think they have to dress up on the first day and give the impression to everyone that there "high in social class" but I'm already well known in my school as a loser so there's really no point. I pick out my black track pants and a hoodie and go to shower. On my way to the bathroom I run into a sleepy Calum.

"Hey bud you sure your awake?" I ask yawning

"Yeah...just tired, I'm gonna go get some breakfast" he mumbles and sulks downstairs as I continue on with what I was doing


After my shower (which consisted of cold water and getting shampoo in my eyes) I got dressed and joined Calum downstairs

"So whatcha eating?" I ask smiling

"Um cereal, you want anything?"

"No I'm good but do you think we could stop at Luke's before we go to school? I really want to see Liz before she leaves again"

"Yeah that's fine but we'll have to leave a little earlier so in like....ten minutes,be ready"

"Okey dokie boss" I salute him and go finish getting ready. I slip on my white converse grab my headphones and go out to the car to wait for Calum. Teenage Dream begins to fill my ears when Calum enters, he nods at me and starts talking but I don't think the idiot realizes not to speak to me while I have my  headphones in. I feel like the whole way to Luke's Calum was lecturing me about something but I would just occasionally nod my head as if I where actually paying attention.

Once I see we've arrived at the Hemmings place I dash out the car not even waiting for it to be parked. I begin to frantically knock on the door until Luke answers.

"Oh Bailey Hey" he smiles "Why are you here? I thought we where all meeting up at school"

"Well yeah but then I realized that your mom's home for just tonight and I really want to see her before she goes again!"

"Well that's good because she wants to see you guys too" he laughs "Where's Cal?"

"Oh um the car I think,I don't know I kinda just ran in here... and dude what's up with your  hair?" I snicker at the mess upon his head

"Shut up I didn't do it yet okay!"

"I think you just need to cut it darling"

"Never! My hair is like my baby Bailey"

"Well.." I walk up to him and put my arms around his neck playing with his mess of hair "Would you rather have your hair be your baby or have me as your baby?" I smirk

"Okay the hair comes off" he responds quickly and I laugh

"Did I just hear Bailey?" I hear Liz shout from up stairs

"Yes you did! Hi Liz" I shout back giggling

"Luke why didn't you tell me they were coming?" She asks rushing down the stairs

"Because I didn't know" he scoffs throwing his arms in the air

She quickly walks over to me and embraces me into a hug.

"How have you been love? You sure have grown since the last time I saw you now didn't you!"

"Yes I have! Mainly in weight but I think I got a little taller too"

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