Chapter 34

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So if anyone's wondering what Anthony looks like ^^^^ I also think this story is going to be one of those really long ones that ends up being a sequel too like guys I don't even know but don't forget to vote and comment and eat muffins and yeah love you

Bailey's p.o.v.

We arrived at Luke's house and I'm extremely hungry. My first instinct is to go rummage through the fridge but then I remember I don't live here anymore so I guess that'd be rude.

"Hey Liz what are we eating tonight?" I shout

"Actually I wanted you and Cal to come early to help Luke and I make some pasta before everyone else comes if that's fine with you?" She shouts back

"Yeah of course that's fine!"

I have no clue where Luke and Calum have gone to, so out of boredom I begin to play with a salt shaker. A bunch of salt falls onto the counter from the multiple times I've flipped it over so I guess I'll have to clean that later. I begin to read the label and ingredients list because really what's even in salt?

After a while I get the feeling I'm not the only one in the room so I slowly put down the shaker fearing I'm going to be murdered for whatever reason. I go to turn around but before I can someone comes up behind me and pinches my sides. Out of instinct I quickly fling my hand towards whoever's behind me and the sound of a loud slap fills the room.

"Ow Bailey what the hell?!" Luke screams

"Oh my God Luke I'm so sorry I didn't know it was you!" I reach over to him and softly stroke the red mark now forming onto his face.

"Who else would it be!"

"I don't know! I thought there was a murder in here or something!"

"Yes because a murderer is just going to casually open my front door, walk into the kitchen and pinch your sides!"

"I said I was sorry okay you big baby" I groan

"Fine whatever...can I atleast get a kiss to make it better" he pouts batting his eyelashes

"What is it with you and trying to kiss me all the time?"

"Honestly Bailey are we really going to ask that dumb question? Just kiss me" he laughs gliding his hands to my hips and pulling me close to his body.

He leans in and our lips connect with an instant spark. I glide my hands up his torso and wrap my arms around his neck as he passionately deepens the kiss. He snakes his hands from around my hips to my butt and gently squeezes it causing me to gasp allowing him to effortlessly slide his tongue in my mouth.

"What in the name of the Lord are you two doing?" Liz gasps causing Luke and I to jump away from eachother "Have you forgotten that I live here aswell?"

"Really mum, right now?!" Luke groans

"Yes really! What are you two doing? When did all of this happen? Are you two dating now?" She questions rapidly "You are, aren't you? And nobody told me! Nobody ever tells me what's going on!"

"Mum calm down! No we're not dating" he groans

"What why not? From the looks of what's been going on today I say anyone would think you two were together! And let me just point out that just because I want you two together doesn't excuse the fact you were making out in my kitchen" she points sternly

"We weren't making out!" Luke retorts throwing his head back in frustration

"Oh I beg to differ" she scoffs "If your hands are on her bum and I see your tongue in her mouth something's going on"

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