Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine: Good, More Distractions

"I don't understand why you would want to talk to him." Freefall told Mason, rubbing her sore hands as she observed his appearance, "You look like absolute shit." She noted, her voice coarse and rough.

"Thanks for that, Freefall." Mason retorted, though he smiled a little, "I don't know either. Honestly, at his point, I just want to hear if he has anything of value. He did break laws to get here, after all."

Mason observed the light blue protogen intently. Freefall was, again, a rather unique invention.

The Protogen language, Protogenia, had no word for male or female. As they were, originally, a race of cyborgs and that was it. As such, they had no concept of gender for quite a long time. Of course, until they had reached other civilizations, and had taken in their ideas of culture and biology.

But, due to their functionality and lack of sex organs, they could not determine their sex based on that. So, they took other cultures' interpretation, and made it their own. All those that had higher pitched voice modules and liked to work without fighting were deemed female, and those who were warriors and liked to fight, as well as had deeper voices, were deemed male.

As flawed as that was, it worked for some time. Mason had originally thought to make Freefall male, but once the brain had been put in and the body finalized, she didn't like being called male, but also didn't like having a higher pitched voice. So, Mason just let her decide on her own.

Freefall sighed, crackling her neon blue claws together, "All right, Captain, whatever you say." She said, turning her back to him on her mission out of the room, her sharp tail hardening in indignation.

She was one of the few that had the bollocks to actually not be all that respectful towards Mason in speech. Although, she did respect him as her creator and captain, she did not feel any inclination to keep her reservations to herself. And partly, Mason actually quite liked that. It made sure he had someone to tell him his batshit crazy ideas were, indeed, batshit crazy.

Mason turned his head back towards the one-way mirror, observing the Mosomarian within the room. He was sitting, in clothes that he had no doubt in his mind that Freefall forced on him, atop a chair beside a metallic table.

Mason shrugged, approaching the control panel before him, hitting the mike button, "Hello Ja'Kle, sorry for keeping you waiting a bit." Mason spoke into it, "I regret to inform you that you'll have to stay in here for the time being."

"Wait, what?" Ja'Kle asked, quickly standing up from his chair. Due to only then being released from the physical grip of Freefall, he steadied himself with a hand against the table, "I thought you wanted to talk to me?"

"I do, however, I'm not in the best of conditions. And neither is this ship. As much as I would like to, my body isn't nearly ready enough to stay awake for another few hours. I'm sure you would understand." Mason talked into the mike.

"So you're just going to leave me in here, to starve?" Ja'Kle asked, his voice cracking a little as his already large black eyes widened. Mason chuckled, the dramatic announcement of his words reminding him of someone. Someone who has since passed.

"No, my chef will bring you several delicacies from your home planet, just to make absolutely certain that you're well fed. His name is Lunch-Rush, and trust me, he will make sure it's the best thing you've ever eaten." Mason told him, bloody finger releasing it's pressure on the button, leaving a small imprint of dark red dust.

Mason paid no mind to the Mosomarians response, deciding to instead try and make his way to the private showers, hoping that he could at least look presentable once the repair crew arrives.

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