Chapter Seventy-Three

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Chapter Seventy-Three: Ichor

The blood - no, the ichor of the God of the Wind stung Rip-Cords claws. There was something so... devastating about his strike. The force of his blow tore it's way through the God's internals, shredding the deities insides as if he were a mere mortal man. Guts, fragmented bones, and shredded intestines shot out of the hole that Rip-Cord made.

The cry of a God was something serene. One might expect the avatar of a concept of the universe would have a scream that rivaled the power of quasars, but no. It was like a siren song - a melodic tone that pulsed, almost with a rhythm. It appeared involuntary, as evident by the Gods' expression.

The God's blood was a silver color, incredibly cold to the touch as it sprayed from the wounds. Ro-Ah slumped to the ground, his body shaking. Rip-Cord had doubted he could actually kill a God, he wasn't sure if that was even possible. However, as he had said, Gods can bleed. And Gods can be torn asunder.

And Rip-Cord was going to make it clear to Ro-Ah that he'd need to piece himself together for a long time.

The monochrome titan gripped the slumped God's throat, firmly gripping and crushing the windpipe as he lifted the God up. His three-clawed grip shook for a moment, before shattering the god's neck, the creature crying out in more melodic screams. They were almost soothing in a way.

Rip-Cord kept his claws spinning, counteracting every action that the God below him attempted to do to save himself. A spinning typhon of protective wind soured around them, stopping the God's feeble attempts to attack to save himself, via distorting the weather further. Although the wind was torrent enough to rip concrete from it's steel rebars, there was near perfect silence beneath the shield of spinning air.

"I know my place." Rip-Cord repeated into the avien deities ear, his visor crackling in a white hue as the Overclock serum pulsed in another wave of strengthening energy. His black fur soon sparkled as slow branches of white lightning bounced between hairs. Stronger and stronger by every passing minute.

With cold, unfeeling claws, Rip-Cord reached back. His arm bent as he built up rotational energy. His visor sparked in a white blast of energy as he let go. His hand, its spinning fingers, created a soundwave as it slammed forward, dragging Rip-Cord's body forward, those fingers sinking into the Gods' head, two of the three claws bursting out from the empty socket, splattering silver blood upon the ground.

The God could no longer produce sounds, but even with it's head and brain skewered, it would survive. It would retain consciousness, thoughts, until the end of time. Though, he might spend half the universe's remaining time piecing himself back together.

And then, the God slumped to the ground, too exhausted to keep manipulating the wind. The weather still remained as it was, as even as the power faded, what he did still left an impact. As the protective spinning ball of air disappeared, rain came crashing down atop Rip-Cord, soaking his fur in an instant and chilling his body to the core.

And all the protogen did was look down sadly. He gripped his claws and wiped the iron blood off with a dissatisfied grimace. Now he dealt with that, he needed to get back to his captain. WIth a glance towards the distance, covered in red clouds and raging floods, Rip-Cord began to rise once more.


"Keep going!" Mason yelled through the storm, fur soaked through by rain and cold. He pulled along Render, Wither barely walking beside him as the decrepit Divine Intervention tried to truc on forward. Bathysphere, Nebula, Aberration and Marissa had all woken up, but none were able to use their abilities. They were drained.

"I feel... more..." WIther choked out, coughing as his visor lit up the darkness, the red and blue radiating light refracting against the rain barring down against the team. Mason could feel more divine presences, everyone could. 

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