Chapter Sixty-Four

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Chapter Sixty-Four: Going to be Safe

Time slowed to a stand-still as the energy rose around them. Limbs nearly froze through the air as every protogen that was able generated their entire expense of Boson Energy. The waves of energy crashed against reality, shattering the already fragil planes of Hume that existed on the planet.

Their bodies froze, as if affected by Freefalls power. They coudn't move, or at least, they could barely move at all. Their minds roared to life, both Ja'Kle and Mason absopbing the radiance of the energy roaring against the folds and strings that seamed the universe. The green stripe agianst Mason's throat glowed in a bright neon green hue, the light even moving slowly, though not by much.

The Silent-Screamers ahead that slammed against Rip-Cord and Bailout were all but digging into the organic bits of the two protogen. Their white flesh reflected the light shining from Mason's protogens' insignias. Their bodies were hardened, as if a different 'varient' than the one Silent-Screamer that Freefall had frozen and killed.

Mason felt the strain connected to his want, and desire, to narrow his eyebrows and destroy the Screamers that were attacking his protogen. He could feel each individual fiber of his muscles and flesh move with his command, somehow the neurons in his head firing at a normal speed despite the dilated time.

Time slowly resumed to continue in motion. First the energy slowly dissipated, slowly starting to flow once again to allow the forward motion in a non-linear time-stream. The stretching of reality slowly slackened, loosening enough that Mason and Ja'Kle soon regained their speed far faster than the others, thanks in part to their absorption qualities.

Still, time was moving at a snail's place, but at least Mason and Ja'Kle could do something. The two shared a wordless commandment, to save their team. The two boyfriends, the two captains, turned their paws towards the horde, and without a moment of hesitation the two fired off the ground, their weapons curving into a strike against the monsters.

Mason's blade sliced through the air, transforming into a scythe as the blade ejected further out from its sheath. The momentum and the sharpness of the weapon eviscerated flesh and reduced bone to dust. Each surgical strike struck true, impacting and obliterating the flesh and bone of the SIlent-Screamers.

Time continued to speed up to it's normal amount as the two battled against the monsters ahead of them. Rip-Cord and Bailout seemed to have accepted their fate, their visors blinking close as they didn't realize that Mason and Ja'Kle were shattering their struggling bonds. Their minds didn't react, slowed along with everyone else. Most likely due to that absorption quality once again.

The sheer amount of Boson Energy radiating off of the two was enough to sustain them.

Ja'Kle had five knives floating around him, supported by his willpower. They obeyed his every motion, slicing and whipping through the air without being touched. The Mosomarian danced through the opposition, confident in his strength and in his speed. Even with the deadly situation, and even with time returning, Mason couldn't help but feel pride well in his heart.

Mason felt his arms grow heavy with each strike, as the further along they got, the more time sped up, and the more numerous and powerful the Screamers grew. They changed from soft skin and brittle bones, to hardened skin and steel-like bones. And yet, their weapons still cut through.

Nearing the end of the horde, time was about at half-speed, and yet that was still an extreme difficulty curve against the Silent-Screamers. They could move now, and they had time to prepare to swipe and attack. Mason ducked and weaved between swipes of long, boney claws and calcified flesh, shifting his stance and hacking off limbs and cutting throats.

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