Chapter One Hundred

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Chapter One Hundred: Of the Ancients

Juda gazed upon the work of art and engineering before her, the optics in her visor blinding, viscous, cruel even, against her mind. A machine daunting, organic and not metal, disastrously incomprehensible to gaze upon. And yet, the smaller protogen did just that - she gazed into it with an unwavering strain.

To call it a machine was simple and to the point, and in all fairness it was just that, a machine, but it was so much more than just that. The pinnacle of a God's machinations, the great incinerator. The thing that would bring peace to a chaotic universe, laying it all to a standstill. The body of an ancient deity, a true deity of cosmic origins.

It was a machine of the ancient times. Locked within such a divine energy, not Boson, nor was it anything else. It was simply unconstrained energy. No matter, not anti-matter nor absent matter. Locked within it was the true essence of Gods. Not the creations of mortals, but true unadulterated ancient gods. Beings born of the cosmos for the cosmos.

Juda glanced above her, feeling her soul being stretched and pressed neatly against her insides. Divento, the god of inorganic creation, stood above her, mesmerized by the machine he had painstakingly morphed and manipulated over years. Ever since he first arrived from the kaleidoscope of creation that was the Boson Wave those years prior.

The being of pure light held his hands out. Despite the machine being seemingly metallic, there was barely any inorganic materials in there, so Divento had difficulty creating and manipulating any of the matter present. The fact that he even could manipulate the flesh and ichor of an unimaginable millennia old deity was enough to demonstrate his power.

Only Juda and Divento remained there. The Gods that were on Divento's side had either escaped to the corner's of the universe, fearing some "Blast" of some kind, or had been slaughtered by the creation deity for attempting to sabotage the project. In fact, if it weren't for the deity of discourse's meddling, they would've already been done with the machine.

It was truly just Juda and Divento on the planet. It was lonely, as it always was, but it was necessary. Divento still hadn't explained his plan beyond erasing pain, erasing the chaos of the universe, but Juda was fine with that. She had her place in history, helping erase any and all pain in the universe. She was confident in her side in history.

And yet, she still retained some apprehension. Not if it was a righteous path, but if it would work at all. She had seen some truly amazing, mind-boggling things when working with deities and Boson-Energy, but erasing all pain, all worry and all things that are "Bad' seems like a tall tale sometimes to her. And yet, she reminded herself who she sat beside. A god.

"Only fifteen minutes away from activation. I'm surprised that the Divine Intervention hasn't shown themselves yet." Juda commented, twiddling her claws against each other. She felt optimistic, excited even. Staring at the machine, she felt a sense of purpose. A sense that she was doing good, that this was all for something.

"They will show. And when they do, I expect that I will need to endanger myself to them. I will rely on you to finish the job, Juda. To start the machine. It's a great honor to be the one to activate the machine that'll transform the universe." Divento replied, his voice strained as his 'eyes' were trained onto the machine before him.

"Thank you, Divento." Juda whispered, her visor blinking into a soft smile, before flashing back to a frown. She felt sorry, even bad, for Mason and his group. They had done so much good in the universe, and yet they ended up on the wrong side of history. So much talent and heartbreak and effort, simply to be on the wrong side. The future would not be kind to them.

To their name, that is, she knew that they would die there at the hands of Divento, the new deity of this painless, free universe.

So much slaughter and bloodshed to extinguish the pain and misery. Unnecessary if they just listened. How could they not see that Divento was doing good? He was bringing forth the new universe, free of hopelessness and despair.

It was an honor though, being the one to introduce this new world to the universe. Free of the pain and torment, free of everything that made them ache and despair. She was the one to make history, the goddess of this new universe, the one revered for stripping off the sadness, the disdain, the tremor and boredom, the monotony.

Juda smiled, gently hugging herself as she felt a warm shiver run up her spine. It felt good. She was going to be revered, she was going to be remembered for doing the ultimate good. This... this was going to work, without a hitch.

"They are here."

Juda felt the warm feeling immediately evaporated as she quickly stepped back, heart racing, "The Divine Intervention is here?" She asked, and Divento seemed to nod, turning his back to the machine. His 'fist' clenched tightly as he spoke his next words with an inexhaustible spark to them.

"Yes, they're fast approaching, I can feel those insufferable pods being made ready, I shall attempt to destroy them as they fall. Juda, I trust you enough to continue work on the machine, it shall take longer without my meddling, but everything will fall in place soon. Only a bit longer, and the new universe shall be born."

Juda nodded her head, feeling something get caught in her throat. This was an important moment in history, the defining battle against two sides to decide the fate of the universe. Either doomed to sadness and despair forever, or for it to be dispelled in its entirety.

Juda would pray for their victory, but who would she pray to? She was already on the side of a God. She trusted in his power and victory

The end was just in sight.



So, another Juda chapter, we're so close to the end now! I know it seems like a slow pace to getting to it, but trust me, it's close to the end! I thank all of you who've stayed the course and are still reading, somehow! It means a lot, and I mean a lot, to me, so thank you!

I will do my best to write the next chapter tomorrow, since I feel it's time to give Divine Corruption a rest, it's been... nine months since I started this? When did I even start this goodness?

Either way, thank you all who have supported me in this, who've commented and who've voted! It'll be over soon, so... thank you!

I hope you enjoyed, and I shall see you soon!

~ Candle


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