Chapter One Hundred and Two

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Chapter One Hundred and Two: Curtain Call

Heat and light blended together as Fallout pushed harder and harder against Divento, the concept of pain or thought nonexistent. Just rage and sorrow melding as one, emotions spiraling down in a cascade of blurring morality. The blinding light expanded behind Fallout, the new God of Flame.

Whispers of arcane universal secrets flooded Fallout's mind as he touched the God, his body breaking down and regenerating with the absolute overwhelming flood of the Overclocked Boson-Energy. Intense waves of pure energy clashing against reality. This was it.

Fallout's palms started to glow a sinister crimson red, emanating darkness as Divento steeled himself against the push. Time slowed to a crawl then, but Fallout couldn't back down. Steel was being generated faster and faster, the god of inorganic creation before him not faltering as his photon based body withered and flickered.

"Why do you fight the inevitable?" Divento asked him, the visage of the golden deity flashing in and out as reality cracked and splintered, "There's no hope. Especially now with time slowed, you've done nothing but doomed yourself more than you already were. It's a curtain call."

Fallout bared his teeth, the visor opening up to reveal a goopy, liquifying interior. Explosions rippling from the protogen's paws and hands, flares and plumes of fire bursting from every pore, "Because I know what I'm doing is right. Because nothing is more precious than my family. My friends. I don't give two shits about whether or not you think it's inevitable."

Fallout growled as more energy rippled through his body. "Epicenter" The protogen thought, and in an attosecond, a blinding white light appeared before the two clashing, "None of us care if we live or if we die through this. We know a lot of us will, but we can stop you. Your great plan isn't inevitable, it's futile."

And with a growl, that blinding light overtook everything. That ball of light pulsed against the very strings that bound together everything. A knocking, diseased plight against the already shattering reality. Concepts given form then destroyed, new ideas strung up and hung. A booming infected vermin of Boson-Energy weaving it's cold strings through reality, before tightening.

And time resumed as normal. As if in a snap, Divento and Fallout where thrown far apart crashing against the destroyed, raptured earth, returned to some normalcy, though "glitches" melded with "glitches". Matter overlapped other matter, and nothing was right.

Fallout stood back up, fur shining, armor crackling and moving as if it were a liquid. His body felt dazed, dizzy, but he never felt more concentrated before. There was a giddy excitement to the protogen now, he had the power. He had the backup. He had his family. Inevitable doom or not, he would not fall.

And with a scream, a shout, a warcry, Fallout's hands ignited in flame. The new God of Flame erupted from the ground, leaving scorched glitching soil in his wake as his flame evaporated the air. He shot like a missile, crackling red lightning off of his body, aimed directly at the one thing that caused every misfortune they've had to deal with. Divento.

With the pods quickly approaching landing behind him, with the energy coursing through his very veins, with determination and an intense drive to destroy the god, Fallout could see victory. He could see it in their grasp, and he'd be damn sure that they would obtain it.

Divento raised his hand, golden glow dissipating as matter overtook his shining light body. Fallout pressed his hand against the air before he slammed into the deity, rerouting his course to shoot himself into the air. He wasn't sure what Divento had planned, but he wouldn't die by being reckless.

"You are all fighting against fate itself. No matter what you do, the machine will still be activated, I don't get what all of you still fight. It's meaningless, it's futile. It is-" Divento continued, body warped in some sort of metallic armor. Fallout narrowed his eyes (inwardly) at the metal. He could easily melt that with his power, what was Divento going on about?

"I am the God of Inorganic creation, I am Divento. I was born from Boson-Energy, deformed and given a curse only applied to me." The god monologue, holding up his hand as spectral black material started to form, "I control the very matter that constitutes your vessels, your buildings. I am what gives you all the right to be more than mere feral creatures."

Fallout's eyes closed as he allowed the Boson-Energy within him to multiply exponentially. Whatever Divento was doing, it wasn't good. Fallout reached the pinnacle of his jump up, the sound of the God reaching him due to the level of un-reality around him. He reached the apex, before he descended downward in pulses of erratic and dangerous speed.

"Pulsar Wave." Came from the Protogen's thought, his palm shining bright as the condensed explosion rivaling that of a pulsar was clenched in his fist. Fallout brought the hand back, the energy and radiation leaking out in waves of mutagenic ash. Fallout braced for impact as his hands and body trembled.

"I am God. I am light itself, and I will bring the end of this universe. I am the scourge and the plight and the death. I am the erasure, I am the curse of this plane. I am Divento, and I will curse this universe as it has cursed me. A curse of eternal, endless silence!" The god roared, emotion crackling through his façade as the planet trembled.

And that's when fallout realized what that black matter was. They were black holes, miniature, controlled by the god due to their creation, their origin, from condensing and infinitely compacting inorganic matter. Fallout was heading straight towards it.

Fallout pressed his hand down, letting out the waves and waves of energy stored within him. He gripped his wrist before he fell into the event horizons below him, body enraged and mind erratic. In one sweeping blast of cutting light, fallout released the Pulsar Wave. The ground crackled, the core splintered, and the air burned as the energy unleashed clashed against the unending consumption of those blackholes.

Steel pikes shot out of the ground towards Fallout as the black holes sucked up the energy. Nothing escaped them when it got past the event horizon, Fallout would just have to dodge everything. Shouldn't be too difficult, he thought.

Divento glared at the protogen fighting and flinging himself through the air as the black holes, about the size of a tire, followed him through the air at blazing speeds. Divento concentrated hard, he had to, to control the black holes so they wouldn't destroy anything else. Divento kneeled down, and collapsed his hands together in a prayer.

Instantly, his consciousness separated. Focused entirely on Fallout, another onto planning, and yet another on looking out for the rest of Fallout's pitiable team. And the second he sensed them, he would raise hell upon them, before it was the universe's turn.

The universe would take its last breath on this day. Before Divento's curse could overwhelm him, the universe's curse would overwhelm it first. There was no going back now, and as Divento sensed the Divine Intervention coming, he unleashed his curse, blind pain erupting in his mind, fueling his power and hatred even further.

Energy levels spiked as Divento's third mind concentrated on destroying the Divine Intervention, and he would use all his power to do so. A mountain of metal and steal was generated behind him in a crackle of lightning. Divento eased his palms tighter together, the metal scrapping harshly.

It was truly a curtain call. It was The End.



Apologies for Ten flipping days of silence and not writing, it's been rather horrible over here lately, not gonna lie, but it's looking up! And I'm trying my best, so that at least counts for something!

I hope this chapter's actions and dialogue were good! how was this chapter, by the way? I haven't asked for a while, and I am really trying to make this thing properly epic, since the book itself is coming to an end relatively soon. But, ehh, thank you either way!

I hope you enjoyed, thank you for reading this far and much, and I'll update soon!

~ Candle


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