Chapter One Hundred and Three

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Chapter One Hundred and Three: Echos of Love Long Past

There was a singular word that could be attributed to Divento, Ja'Kle knew that for certain. Not abominable, not godly, not even hideous. No, what Divento was, was a monstrosity. Ann illness, a pandemic upon the universe at large, and Ja'Kle felt that truth eradicate his bones the second he landed.

That didn't stop him from leading the charge, his boyfriend in tow, both with an impressive look of determination plastered onto their faces. The Mosomarian tightened his grip on his power, his breathing trying to ease as he gazed forward. Fallout was fighting hard, as they all should.

Ja'Kle gritted his teeth, allowing the blessing he was given to enshroud him. To envelope him, to completely cover his senses and body. The absent matter took hold, and it would not let go until Divento answered for his crimes. He felt jittery, excited, confident. Maybe it was something to do with the God it came from, who could say.

Mason was running beside him, body aching as whatever he had done to himself to increase his ability on the battlefield was taking control. Mason's ears were lowered parallel to his neck, scratching his nape as the rabbit flew across the ground, leaving deep imprints in the glitching soil.

This was it. Facing off against the horrendous monstrosity aiming to annihilate the universe. This was, truely, it. Mason felt his amethyst eyes flash, as the green stripe across his neck burned. This was it. Everything was coming down to this. Every decision he had ever done, everyone's decisions and thoughts and lives came down to this.

B-64's sacrifice came down to this.

The rabbit felt the clothes beneath the absent matter guard shuffling and pressed codly against his heart. He had taken something with him in the final seconds before jumping down to the planet. Something that he needed to bring. A charm of good luck for himself. Something to remind him what made this all worth it. A loving, final reminder.

Mason felt his body grow strong, the soil splattering with every mighty kick off of his run. The explosions rang out against the atmosphere, broken hollow wails as reality was being shredded apart. Mason steeled his nerves, looking on.

The entirety of the Divine Intervention came along. Not a single soul remained on the ship. Even Lunch-Rush came, explaining that this was the last fight, he'd rather die with them than alone if the plan did not work. And they respected that decision.

All the remaining alive members of the Divine Intervention came along. So many powerful individuals with a single goal in mind. Killing Divento, and exorcizing the universe of his curse of existence. This was what it came to. And they would bring the hammer down.

"Rallycry! You're support, take me and Ja'Kle to the machine that Divento is building! We don't know where Juda is, but I have a suspicion she is in there. Once we're inside, help... No, just take Ja'kle into the machine, okay?" Mason yelled to the side, where Rallycry was listening to his every word.

"What?" Ja'Kle asked, incredulously, "What do you mean, Mason? If you don't come you're going to get yourself killed! And I don't know what the fuck I'm doing, I can't-!" He was stopped in his tracks however, by Mason swiftly turning and tackling the Mosomarian to the ground.

His teammates all stopped for a second, before returning onto their run towards the action, only Rallycry remained behind, "Ja'Kle, I love you. I love you more than my life and anything else. And I trust you. I trust you with every fiber and molecule in my soul." Mason told him, breathless as he stared deep into Ja'Kles eyes.

"We're at the end of the world. I don't know what I'm doing either, I really don't either. I don't know if I can even stop this. But I was given my blessing for a reason. I can withstand Divento, I did before. I believe in you, and I know you will do what is right. Just get in there, and stop Juda. I don't care what you have to do, incase her in your matter, kill her, whatever. Just... stop it, okay?"


"No buts, Ja'Kle. It's curtain call, it's the final act, it's the last boss, whatever. We need all the protogen we cna over here, and I need to lead them and confront Divento. I just know I need to. And I don't want you to fight him, not at all. Can I trust you, Ja'Kle?"


"We have to decide now. Can you hear those explosions? Fallout is fighting for his life. We are all going to, I want you to make it easier for us, please? Can you please do that, Ja'Kle? If not for the universe, if not for my team, then can you do it for me?"

And for a brief moment, it felt like everything was still. Ja'Kle stared up at Mason's purple eyes, the light shining so overpowering it was like looking into a purple sun. Ja'Kle swallowed hard, and nodded his head. Mason smiled softly, "Thank you..." He whispered, before gently taking Ja'Kles face, and planting a kiss on his lips.

The rabbit then scrambled onto his feet, dragging the dazed Mosomarian onto his paws before grabbing onto the awaiting Rallycry. The second their hands touched, purple lightning arced across the torn apart ground as Rallycry made his way to the rest of the team.

"Support them, Rallycry. Drop me off, and then drop my love at the machine. He'll take it from there. Support us and make sure that none of us die. Don't try to attack Divento, you'll die quicker than the rest of us. Got it, Rally?" Mason told him, and the purple protogen nodded, a terrified but confident look in his face.

Mason then turned to face Ja'Kle, and gave a shaky sigh, a faint, cute smile puckering on that face, "I trust you, honey... be safe, okay? I love you, and... I'll see you soon." Mason gave a wry smile, and gently pecked the Mosomarian on the cheek.

"I lo-"

A quick, halting resounding boom echoed throughout the plane as an erru[tion of steel and metal flung up from the ground, throwing Mason off from Rallycry's movement. He was blown backwards, hitting the ground hard, slightly stunning the rabbit.

Rallycry did not lose his footing for long, and sped up, far faster than the steel could be produced, aimed right to take Ja'kle to the machine. Mason felt his breath ache in his chest, his entire body numb. It felt too wrong, it wasn't right. He felt his heart rate quicken, feeling the weight of the universe against his shoulders.

That's the same thing that B-64 had tried to say as well, before he had died. The last thing Mason said to him, the last thing the protogen tried to say to him.

And a single tear rolled down Mason's eyes. Maybe he hadn't overcame that hurdle after all.

And he swore, as his vision became blurry with wet tears, as the earth unraveled and as he was tackled by Bathysphere's glacier to move him out of the way of gitting hit by multitudes of spikes... for the briefest of moments, he swore he could hear those same words echo in B-64's voice, in his head, far in the distance.

"I love you too."



So... another way overdue chapter, major apologies for the wait. But, It's here.

How was this chapter? it's the final arc, so you know these things are about to come back. Was it slightly emotional? Was it anything of worth? I don't really know, I just hope y'all that are still reading this like it.

Anyways, thank you for those that are still reading, really, honestly, thank you. For the votes and the comments, it's what's really been keeping me going with finishing this thing. So... from the depths of my soul, thank you.

It'll come to a close soon, but not too soon. Just... thank you all. Next chapter should be out soon, hopefully. Thank you all, and I'll post another soon.

I hope you enjoyed <3

~ Candle


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