Chapter Forty-One

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Chapter Forty-One: Why Not

There were certain things that Mason, and to a certain extent Marissa, just couldn't really get behind. Whether it be because of their culture, or because of the fact that they are still, in the grand scheme of things, relatively new to the universe at large.

One of those things, as it seemed, was killing actual people.

While they could hack and slash and burn and destroy Pattern-Screamers all they wanted, they felt justified in the action. As where the Pattern-Screamers stood, they were literal inorganic and unnatural menaces to the galaxy at large. Their mistake.

However, it was different when it came to intelligent life-forms and other creatures with their, or higher, sapience. That was part of the reason why Mason could tear them apart piece by piece and enjoy it, while still being able to maintain his morality.

However, a few other races in the universe had a different idea on morality, and what should or should not be killed. As was the news that Mason, and by extension Ja'Kle still, and Marissa had gotten that evening on The Divine Intervention.

"The Kakuralites have been starting to cross the light borders of several sectors, captain." The startling news report came when Mason, Ja'Kle, Marissa and Hannah were enjoying a quiet dinner in the cafeteria, resting as a unit for the first time since a long time.

While Hannah remained ignorant to the greater ravages of space, Mason was well aware of the Kakuralites and what they could accomplish. They were a ruthless race of space-ferrying people, having a ritual to dispose of any babies not deemed fit or good enough, and sacrificing their elders to maintain a confined population.

While barbaric, they had some of the best taken care of worlds, and the best connection to nature. It was sad, relatively speaking, for Mason and Marissa to witness. But, they were their own nomadic people, and they answered to no one but their own laws. They traditionally staved themselves off from intergalactic matters.

Mason rubbed his head with his free hand, as the other was busy holding Ja'Kles hand, "Does this mean what I think it means? I thought we had some time to think about... something, at least." Mason pronounced, glancing at the deliverer of the news, Renaissance.

The white protogen nodded sadly, "Yes, it does, captain. I am afraid that, somehow, the news that the Council has died has breached into intergalactic space, and it is traveling fast. We should have expected it sooner, in all honesty." Renaissance told them, his pixelated eyes so small they appeared as a single pixel on the visor.

Marissa chuckled, digging into her steak, "I mean... I guess he's right?" She said, and while Mason gave an understanding look, Ja'Kle appeared confused. Marissa nodded sadly, "Well, whoever sent the Pattern-Screamers was obviously watching. And if they were trying to sell Boson Energy secrets, the news that the council is dead would work in their favor."

"In other words, no one would be scared to buy it and face the wrath of the Council, as well as knowing that the seller is legitimate and not some scam to weed out the Federation's true enemies." Mason accompanied her, "I don't know why we didn't expect this... maybe it was just hopeful ignorance?" Mason asked no one in particular.

"Well, it's good that it's only the Kakuralites. They are rather intelligent, one of the most intelligent races in the universe, on average, but they are brash and arrogant, and value power." Marissa explained further, slicing and dicing her steak even more.

"If we strike when they are invading, issue a challenge on a planet, or something, and drive them back... it could prevent some other races from trying to get into protogen space before we figure everything out." Mason countered, pursing his lips as he thought about fighting actual people, something he hadn't done in a long time. At least, not for real.

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