Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight: Infernal;  Extinction Event

Mason couldn't feel anything as he, Fallout and Rallycry sped through the ruined town. It was like his body was completely numb to all physical sensations. Cold, heat, pain or pleasure. Nothing came to him in those minutes.

Rallycry did his absolute best. Using his extremely fast mind, his visors HUD, and his speed, they managed to find the group, their teammates, in a mere half a minute. At least, they found them, close to expiring.

Noxious was damaged massively, having small and large holes scattered around his metallic body. Bloody chunks of meat hung off his bones, and although they did not need blood, as they did not need oxygen, he was massively losing it. However, he was still fighting, holding off a smaller Pattern-Screamer the best he could.

Retaliate was behind him, practically dismantled. Large claw marks had made their way through her exposed body, an arm ripped from it's socket, neck snapped almost completely, the bone sticking out to one side. Her visor still showed that she was conscious, and it lit up painfully as she saw her captain arrive.

Rip-Cord was beside Noxious, barely holding onto his consciousness as he was defended by Cardinal. His body was the least damaged out of all of them, but it was still damaged. His left arm was almost as dark as the Pattern-Screamers, his blood deepening his already black fur, causing it to shine like latex rubber.

Cardinal was the most damaged protogen still standing. Her left arm was completely ripped off by force. Sparks flew from the socket, as it had not disengaged from her body. Mason could still see a few pieces of flesh and metal pieces clinging onto the stump.

"Fallout." Mason said simply, his voice dark and cold. Fallout nodded, using Rallycry's power to send him flying towards his teammates, getting greatly overrun by the Pattern-Screamers. Using small explosions in the palm of his hands, his speed accelerated even more.

Mason rushed towards Retaliate, sliding to his knees in the dirt. She could barely even groan as Mason picked her desiccated body off of the ground, Mason using that small bit of strength remaining. He tugged her upward, hoping to get her to Gear-Work and to the ship before brain death occurs.

Fallout whizzed past Noxious, slashing his hand through the air to meet a Pattern-Screamer, a yell not unlike the Screamers own emitting from his visor. A shockwave resounded as Fallout blasted the entity away, his body shining in the explosion of his own creation.

"Thank you... captain..." Retaliate breathed out, her visor flickering in and out. Mason clenched his fist, turning to Rallycry, "Rally, do whatever is necessary to get us to those pods, and get us out of here." And Rallycry nodded, preparing himself.

Noxious, Rip-Cord and Cardinal all ran towards Mason, making sure that Retaliate was well and good. Well, as well and good as she could be, being decimated. Mason directed them all towards Rallycry, as he would carry two of them, Mason would carry Retaliate, and Fallout would carry Rip-Cord.

Speaking of the ruby protogen, Mason had explained to him what he had to do. Mason could only guess at that point, but the main reason as to why those Pattern-Screamers survived to reform this way, and possibly why they mutated, was because of the massive breach in reality.

If Mason's uneducated guess that they were beings created out of Boson Energy was correct, then if they weren't at the direct center, they would have absorbed vast amounts of its energy. Damaged, yes, but they would survive and grow stronger.

If they could produce an explosion that would rock the planet, making sure that no Pattern-Screamer survived, without causing them to absorb the energy again, then that would be amazing. The explosion would have to be massive, almost at the threshold of reality.

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