Chapter Thirty-One

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Chapter Thirty-One: B-64

"He was wonderful. I mean, there is no other word to really describe how he was. Innocent, cute, and powerful. He was mute, but he could produce soft trills and the like." Mason explained to Ja'Kle, calling for a small cup of water for himself.

"He crash landed on my planet the same year as I was born, if I remember correctly. The Boson Energy that fueled himself and the ship ingrained itself into the earth around it. Like how Boson Poisoning works."

"And me, and Marissa and Axel, along with my sister, were born able to harness that energy, but we didn't know it. B-64 was captured by The Foundation, an organization that tracked and captured... anomalies, I guess you could say." Mason elaborated further, and Ja'Kle hung onto his words.

"He escaped, somehow. He was tortured, I want to tell you, he really was. I think he explained that some guy at The Foundation let him go, though that might be my foggy memory. It's been a few years, you understand." Mason continued, nodding his head as Lunch-Rush brought over some water.

"Me and my friends found him, and didn't know what he was. We kept him safe for some time, before the Protogen started to attack our planet specifically. Sending down Obelisks, which have since been disbanded for use." Ja'Kle nodded, although slowly. From Mason's facial expression, the other was trying really hard to talk about this. It was probably still rather painful.

Mason sniffled a little, brushing his knuckled pointer finger against his nose, "Sorry, it's been a while since I thought about all this. Anyways, we escaped that, and escaped persecution by an elite team. Obsidian-1. B-64 defended us with tooth-and-nail."

Mason gulped down the water, sighing as he allowed the cup to fall to the table, "And then we were captured by The Foundation, but to be used in protecting the planet, or at least halting the invasion somewhat. We were given devices, and some shelter for a little while."

Mason sat up straighter, his eyes straining to stay open, "We were then captured by the Protogen, who invaded The Foundations research facility we were staying in. We were brought up into their ship, and then zipped away to the homeworld."

"It's there that we met Ion and Catalyst, the head scientist and his guard at the time." Mason was about to expand on that further, but he was stopped by a perplexed expression by Ja'Kle.

"Catalyst? The Protogen bounty hunter?" He asked, and Mason nodded.

"Yes, before he turned into a bounty hunter, he was the guard for the lead scientist in Boson Studies, Ion. Anyways, Ion felt bad for our planet, in that the things' culture was being destroyed. He decided to rebel against the previous council, and to help us."

"After tracking some of his friends down, we met up and devised a plan to get us to the machine that could destroy our planet. The name escapes me now, but it was incredibly powerful. However, we managed to destroy it."

Mason sighed, leaning forward as he got closer to Ja'Kle. The Mosomarian leaned in further, listening, "We destroyed it all right. However, the main B-Series captain, the series that B-64 was a part of and whose captain was called B-01, survived that explosion, soaked up the energy, and created a new type of Boson Energy. Green Boson Energy; time."

"But B-01 couldn't handle the energy, at least his mind couldn't. He lashed out and started to destroy the planet itself. So, B-64 decided to end B-01. And the only way to do that was to cancel out the powerful green Boson Energy with the Red, Blue and White Energy's we had."

Mason turned his head to the side, his ears lowering to the back of his head as his voice became shaky. He sniffled a little more as he continued, "And the only way to get it close to him was to rush towards him, and sacrifice himself."

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