Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Chapter Fifty-Seven: The End of an Era

The end of an era was seldom a great big clash of ideals and weapons, but nor was it generally a quiet disembowelment among enemies and friends. This was a constant throughout the universe, and not just individual planetary history.

The end of the Federations' hold on their planets was many small, planet-size events ending in the destruction of the council, and the subsequent demolition of the single biggest economical and imposing government entities in the known galaxy. And yet, on the mechanical planet known as The Forge, it was peaceful.

Since the bloody battle that happened upon the planet's surface had died down, the excitement of housing the crew of The Divine Intervention was all but extinct in the eyes of the protogen and synths taking care of said crew. There was a singular idea prevalent in all their minds, organic or otherwise. They had to formulate a plan.

Mason and his crew, along with his boyfriend, his friends, and the combined might of the protogen force on The Forge, worked hard in preparing for this end. To say, Ragnarok had already been set for their Federation, it was just a matter of waiting for it all to go to hell and back.

Countless hours melded together as they racked their brains, attempting to find any way of improving their odds with fighting the Gods. Their resources were rerouted, their departments redone to fully focus on studying the Overlock formula for Boson Energy. The engineers disassembled and recalibrated the Boson Generators, and the shields and defenses of The Divine Intervention.

There was so much work to be done in such a few short days. More and more reports of Pattern-Screamers came flooding in. Luckily, with the menace well-known and distributed across the universe, most planets have prepared in advance, and were fighting it off. And yet, some were still unprepared or under armed.

The plan was rather simple. The two other O.R.B.s across The Forge contained fleets of ships. They were unusual in that they were not able to hold more than fifteen individuals for space-travel, but they contained Fold-Stream applicable generators inside them. Scion had contacted them in hopes of asking them to affix shields and other functions to the ships.

There were ten different ships that had this capability. They were short, maneuverable, and fast. And most importantly, they had an onboard tracker. Scion would be able to monitor where they were in the universe, if a little behind due to the sheer distance they would have to travel. They could go to planets that were dealing with Pattern-Screamer problems, prioritizing those that had no defenses.

Then, Mason, Marissa, and his crew could go to Neverarian-Space, the so-called lawless sector of the universe. Filled to the brim with the creatures of the universe that shielded themselves from any morality or scrutiny. The sector where nothing was illegal, and depravity rang free. They had to get there and find Juda.

Axel had announced his bemusement at the idea that going after 'Juda' was a more pressing matter then going after the Gods that were ravishing different worlds and making them their Domain. Scion summed it up decently well, at least in Mason's view.

"I know it doesn't sound as bad, but the Gods were born out of Boson Energy. Selling the secrets to making Boson Energy or material, or whatever, does not bring along the knowledge of how to control it. My Great Grand-Maker, Eon, died while experimenting with it, just finding a way to use it safely."

"We have to keep control of the Boson Situation first. We can find the Gods, maybe we can even beat them. But going up against armies of Red-Boson Juiced foot soldiers and cavalry is something that should never happen. Reality would just... break." She explained, silencing the hyena.

And so, their ship was recalibrated and optimized for the long travel distance towards that section of space. There was no telling what could happen in that section of space, and they needed all the protection they could need. Even with Boson Energy, the illegality of some of the weapons was for a reason, even among the Federation - when it existed, that is.

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