Chapter Forty-Nine

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Chapter Forty-Nine: Let's Get Started

Ja'Kle forgot how harrowing the idea of hurtling through space in what amounted to a metal pod that burned off half of it's paint on entry to the planet. And he also forgot just how much better Mason made him feel when he was beside him, cooing softly to him and holding his hand on their descent. Being alone in one of those pods, quite literally, sucked all the joy out of him.

If it weren't for the fact that he was at least somewhat accustomed to falling from orbit, and for the fact that his body was reacting to that Blessing he was given, he might've fainted halfway through it all. However, he stomached through it and held on tight. Their rescue effort had to go through.

The plan was simple enough. For the past week, a huge planet wide effort to bring all Synths together in a city was ordered by Scion and Axel, and the residents of said planet obeyed that request. They had shuttles, but they didn't know which planets were safe, and they didn't have enough fuel to take even a quarter of the population.

The Divine Intervention didn't have the space either, but it did have the ability to house them in the different rooms and hangars for the time being, even being able to store them in the Eon-Gate if there was too much strain.

The plan was thus. Once they reached land, they'd direct the shuttle effort towards The Divine Intervention in the atmosphere. Gear-Work, along with Gear-Works and Cotton's help - with moral support from Hannah - would direct them to the Eon-gate and send the shuttle back down for more Synths.

It was the best plan they could think of in such a short time, but it would work. Gear-Work had been sure of it, as did Ruinate, who decided to go with Mason instead of staying on the ship. Now it was Ja'Kles turn to save a planet, and by the Gods he would try his best.

Ja'Kles' pod landed in the fields just outside the city, smashing apart the road while cushioning the impact. The mechanical door opened with a hiss of steam and hydraulics, opening it to the cold weather of the synth planet. Ja'Kle stepped out, shivering.

The sky was colored a deep gray, with many hills and valleys taking up much of the horizon, with one giant mountain as the dominating factor. Directly in front of the horizon sat the city housing the entire Synth population. A near thirteen million at that time. So low for such a giant planet.

But, they were a synthetic race after all. New citizens took up so many resources and technological advancements that the number was actually shockingly high. At least, from what Ja'Kle heard the protogen say.

"Come one, we have to hurry." Nebula told them, bringing her hand up in the air, "Everyone get ready to feel really, really weird." She yelled, and Ja'Kle shut his eyes quickly. He didn't know about what she could do, or really anything about her, but he trusted her. Mostly since Mason trusted her enough to be the one to direct The Divine Interventions path through space.

In the next second, Ja'Kle felt himself become weightless, like what should happen out in space but for some reason did not happen aboard The Divine Intervention. He opened his eyes to realize he was floating, and moreover, he had a black aura around him.

Nebula was floating as well, and she threw her hand towards the city. In an instant, their gravity seemed to be switched around, and they were tugged by an extremely hard force towards the city. They were flung through the air at such high speeds that the air felt like bricks being smashed against Ja'Kle, and yet leaving no scarring.

They approached the city as fast as lightning. Before they could become a fine red and/or blue mist upon impacting the city's futuristic architecture, Nebula heaved her hands upwards, towards the sky. Their gravity changed once again, throwing them at a curve and just barely missing out on the buildings.

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