Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Chapter Thirty-Seven: Literally Cthulhu. 

"Bleeding ink of the void... Drenched in a thousand suns..." The voice echoed through the dim water, the shining electric golden eye brimming with unknown emotions as the claw attached to the creature dug its way out of the planet's crust, displacing the water and filling the cavernous crater in its wake.

"Shit, shit..." Mason pronounced, feeling the water pulling him towards the creature, and consequently towards the craterous hole in the ocean floor. Mason twirled Prismarine around, aiming the three points towards the creature, sending out powerful jets out of water to stop him and Bathysphere from getting sucked into the hole.

"Bleeding guts and sinew and flesh and sin... Blackness' origin." The creature roared in their minds, a gigantic hand erupting from the crust, the palm about the same size as a large house in Rinse. It moved slowly through the murky waters, the six fingered hand webbed and sticky with goo and bodily liquids.

"What the hell is that thing...?" Bathysphere asked his worried captain as the two were propelled backwards a 'safe' distance away from the eldritch creature. Mason had no response, instead his eyes were transfixed upon the creature as the inky battlefield around them instantly cleared to crystal clear water.

"Ink no more, forever stained within the essence. Demons hunted, creatures saved..." The creature telepathically deduced to all those around it, it's webbed hand pushing against the bottom of the ocean, collapsing the very rocks and metals that sustained the pressure of the ocean with just the effort of pulling itself upward.

The creature arose from it's cavern, it's entire upper body completely unveiled. It had disproportionately large and small scales scattered across its body, iridescent in the light now shining through the clear water. It was slimy, covered in hydrophobic mucus so thick it oozed off of it, even underwater as it repelled the liquid.

It was colored a deep green, slowly bleeding into a light shade as it descended it's body. It's webbed hands' membrane see-through and the only part of its body not covered in mucus. It's nails atop it's lanky fingers were pitch black, serrated and sharpened to an extreme degree. The head too was colored a deep green.

It had no visible marks atop its body, it's chest barren and completely flat, no muscles moving beneath the scales as there should be. It's body was unnaturally large, unsupposed to exist in this reality. It could barely support its own weight, having slept for the past three years undisturbed, and unperturbed.

"Harvested from brothers, sisters, siblings. Taken from us life that which we were given..." The creature moaned out, slashing at the pile of Pattern-Screamers that lay beside it. A single hand could envelope all five hundred, maybe even a thousand, of the Pattern-Screamers laid to rest.

"Bastardized creations of the origin!" It yelled, slamming it's open palm against the mass of flesh, creating a gigantic tidal wave on the ocean's surface, decimating the bodies with the force of its swing.

The head was the most interesting part of the creature. A single eye could envelop a large school bus two times, and still have room for a small car. The eye socket was pierced, the strings of gooey residue and membrane sticking to the eye, disallowing the eyelid to close properly.

Beneath its eyes sat a blank spot, of which on a normal creature such as that should have been a muzzle, or a nose, but there was none to be seen. Instead, thirteen individual tentacles the same height as school buses extended from it, leaving no room for an open maw. And if there was one, it was completely obscured by the tentacles.

Atop it's shiny head was not a single whisper of hair, instead, the same gooey residue marked on its body hung onto the head, washing gently in the rapid waves of the ocean. Mimicking hair, the blots of mucus caught debris in the ocean, and was the seeming cause of the immediate clearing of pollutants from the section of the ocean.

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