Chapter One Hundred and Twelve

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Chapter One Hundred and Twelve: Drama

Existing when all else does not was not a pleasant experience.

Non-existence was simply that. Nothing existed anymore. A void, a blank template of infinite dark. No light. No anything. Just infinite silence. There was no medium for sound to travel through. No reality to break anymore. Just buzzing ruthless, mind-breaking silence.

Ja'Kle felt weightless. The absent matter around him had protected him, and Mason, from the rushing wave of nonexistence. There was no more air, though he didn't need it with the absent-matter coating. It was rather ironic that what made up most of the matter at the moment was absent-matter.

They were floating in the void of darkness. No gravity but their own inconsequential one. No sound other than the ones they can hear themselves make, their own body a medium for it to travel. Nothing to push off of, nothing to look at. Just infinite darkness. It felt like death to all those that hadn't seen it. All but Mason.

The rabbit held onto the god before him dimly, the light emitting from its form gentle and humming. It only pierced the darkness a little bit, with nothing to bounce off of to scatter the dark. It barely illuminated Ja'Kles form behind them both. Mason's face was stretched into one of abhorrent chaotic hatred and unapologetic fear.

"What did you do?!" Mason yelled, though he knew the answer. The God heard him, as the sound traveled between their bodies via the "touch". The deity chuckled, his ichor dripping into floating droplets around him. Mason raised his fist, attempting to utilize his Boson Energy, but found that it was all but depleted.

"We're in nonexistence. There is no reality. Even when reality was shattered into millions of tiny pieces, it was still there. Broken, but there. But here... in this space of nothingness, our bodies are not tethered to reality. And Boson-Energy, the stuff of reality that manipulates it, is all but entirely useless." Divento explained, a gloating smile upon his face.

"Good thing I altered my body before this then!" Mason yelled, gripping on the deities' boddy, whatever that meant, and using that leverage to swing a gargantuan fist down upon the God, smashing his knuckles against the chest of the entity, a pummeling shockwave resounding from the concrete punch.

Ja'Kle saw the action taking place, and he reached out with his palm, creating a glistening absent-spear within his palm once more. He reached out, aimed and threw his arm forward, his fingers sliding against the spear's shaft. Ja'Kle felt his body twist and contort as he floated, unused to feeling this way. He nearly felt his mind go blank as he launched it, all but a few drops of energy drained

Mason masked his distraught, his frightening dread, through his aggressive attacks. He didn want to think that everyone he had ever known had died. All his friends, all his team members, his sister. All of them were gone. Everything was gone. Everything was gone.

Ja'Kles' spear curved through the void and struck through Divento, who was still smiling maniacally as his ichor stained his and Mason's body. It cut through cleanly, descending deep into the void before ceasing to exist Divento screamed in abject pain, but his pleasured smile never left.

"You've all lost!" Divento screamed out in joy, giggling as if he were a mere child. Pillars of steel appeared around him, formed from the God's will and dedication, though they were a shadow of the power that the God held before, as he too was formed from Boson-Energy, "And now, there's nothing! Nothing else in the universe. Just us!"

Mason readied his claws and plunged them into the god's face, digging deep into the light-based body. Mason ripped his arm back, tearing at the photons and separating it from the 'flesh' of the gods body. Ichor spurted out, but the 'fleshy' insides were something far worse.

It was a mess of seemingly randomly assorted internals. Bits of brain congealing with bits of flesh and bone, muscles placed where bone should go. As if his internals were a puzzle that a child haphazardly torn apart and thrown back into in's box. Mason stopped for a single moment, briefly disturbed to see that.

"I have dominion over everything in this void! I can create anything I want, anything at all." Divento taunted, though Mason doubted that claim due to his waning power. Mason brought his hand back and punched again, knuckles bloodied with both his and the god's ichor. Bits of viscera and brain flew off from the mess of internals the god had.

"What do you want, Mason? You can't kill me, not even with whatever's coating your body. I can give you anything, your own little corner of the universe where you are god. Where you'll have everything under your control, and I can reside without pain on the other side of nothingness." Divento monologued, "Even if you can kill me, what's there to achieve from that? And I'll just reform anyway."

"The universe is gone. And I alone have the power to create in this space. I can give you a planet of anything you desire. I can give you synths to be at your beck and call, I can give you a house of the lushest firmament, technology of your wildest dreams. I can even give you B-64 back."

Mason stopped his rampage against the god when he heard the name of his former lover. It was like a sting in his chest, a pulsing pain aching up his spin and coiling in his heart. Mason's fist clenched tightly, rippling strength cracking the concrete like fists that were coated in the miasmic armor of the absent mater.

"You lost him three years ago, didn't you? What if I could bring him back?" Divento asked him, the steely voice echoing in Mason's mind, "All you need to do is stop, and let me build you your world. And then, live out your life with all you've wanted. Nothing would go wrong, it would be peace and happiness until you die. Just leave me be, Mason."

Mason felt his mind race. Despite everything that had happened, despite all he had obtained and just lost... the idea of getting his protogen back was so enticing. Brief flashes of hesitancy flashed in his eyes, his heart thumping.

His heart thumped hard against that last final piece of B-64 that resided underneath his clothing.



Wow, I'm actually on track with this uploads, heh. Anyways, I hope this chapter was... interesting to say the least~! I hope y'all enjoy these last final few~! And I hope it's satisfactory ^^

What'll happen~? Well, let's see ^^

Hope y'all enjoyed~! And thank you so, so, so much for reading!

~ Candle


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