Chapter One Hundred and Five

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Chapter One Hundred and Five: See to it

Mason's scythe slashed through the shattered-air, striking at blinding speed as he fell through the sky. It was as if he could walk on air as he attacked alongside the entirety of the Divine Intervention. His ears were standing tail, moving with the upsetting wind, stripe burning a bright fiery green.

The twirl of the scythe brought with it the visage of death itself. Mason crashed hard against a glacier that bathysphere created, drawing all the spare water in the miles around them, the Overclock serum reaching normal amounts in his system. His scythe stuck in the blue ice, Mason eying the entity before him.

Floating high above the glitching ground was Divento. A shining bright figure composed of photons. The god of inorganic creation, as he had dubbed himself. A cursed deity that was a plague upon the universe and all those that he had touched. Mason narrowed his eyes, and as he felt the power course through his body, Mason leapt off from the platform.

The scythe he had carried for years burned in an orange glow, heating up until flames appeared upon the blade. Mason glanced at it, and did not question it. The Boson-Energy coursing through his veins, combined with what he had done on the Divine Intervention became a pearl of pure Boson Energy within him.

Unadulterated, unfettered, like what Marissa had, like what she was fighting with. Pure Boson Energy, not focused on one facet of its reality warping. No, pure, unfettered Boson Energy. And Mason was planning on using it to its fullest capacity.

"Mason!" Marissa called out from behind him, shining bright in white. The lioness tumbled through the air, rolling to the side as hundreds of pillars of iron and steel were sent her way. Mason glanced forward, seeing a mountain of metallic spears being sent towards him, and mason's eyes steeled.

Mason swung his scythe through the burning air, leaving a trail of warm air. He struck as the steel tumbled before him, the mere force of his swing separated the steel with the shock of the swing, much less the actual impact of the blade. It ruptured the metal, stopping all momentum in an instant.

Mason felt his body ache and burn as the Boson Energy ate away at him, his natural White Boson Energy interacting with the other energies. But as the green stripe glowed even brighter, and as his amethyst eyes shook with fury, Mason discarded his body's complaints. Now or never, sacrifices must be made.

Marissa swung back around, rushing to catch Mason out of the air, before realizing that he wasn't falling. She quickly dodged another rush of pillars, nearly colliding with a streak of explosions rushing past her as Fallout tried to gain a new angle. Mason was using strong air currents to keep himself afloat, his body alit with Blue Boson-Energy

Marissa gently smiled as she refocused her attention onto the main target: Divento. Her body shone bright as she rocketed through the air towards the tyrannical deity. Marissa reached out with both palms, stopping to a halt as she exerted her control over gravity.

A shockwave ran through the air as her energy was brought down upon the god. The air was compressed down as gravity multiplied every second, coming down harder and harder as explosions rang against the sky, pillars of ice crashed and mounds of blood pummeled.

The wind was kicked up below the god, and Marissa glanced down. Rallycry was running in hundreds of circles beneath the god, running so fast that twisters were being created, hopefully to turn into something else. Marissa smiled, returning her concentration.

"Marissa! I can help!" A voice sounded out against the explosions and the noise of the wind. Marissa turned her head, and found Nebula floating beside her. The protogen took her hand before glancing forward, "I may not be as powerful, but I can still help! You believed in me before, and I will not fail!" She yelled, and Marissa nodded.

A scream of pain rushed through both as their limits were being tested, gravity increased to such an extent that if it weren't for the broken reality, black holes would be formed. Marissa and Nebula's hands were being crushed with how hard they were concentrating and pressing into one another, and neither cared.

Mason pressed his hands together as he noticed the twisters forming beneath him, since he couldn't slice the god directly, he chose to help out with destroying the God's attack while those that could attack him without getting close could focus on that instead. Those miniature black holes that the God had sent were a nuisance, but they were destroyable. Reality was broken, of course.

Mason pressed his palm against the spiraling wind, sending the energy he was given to help Rallycry below with his endeavor in creating a hurricane, then a tornado. Mason used what remained to send himself through the air, brandishing his scythe to destroy the mountains of steel and iron that were sent after them.

They were fighting harder than ever, and they needed to win. And Mason felt that they could win, as he spiraled through the air, slicing cleanly through millions of tonnes of steel and iron like it was butter.

Mason smiled widely, almost crazed-like: they were going to win.


"Why do you fight this?"

Was a question that Ja'Kle was not expecting to hear asked of him, when he reached the center chamber of the machine. A room of ever changing mechanical flesh and gyrating mechanics. Juda stood before him, looking... not as he had expected.

She was a smaller protogen. Her body was damaged somewhat, with a few exposed bits of the mechanical parts, but otherwise it was completely intact. Her entire body, minus her legs and arms, and head, was mechanical and covered in metal.

She stood tall, her fur a glistening purple. She appeared confident, if extremely nervous. She held her head high, as if sure that no matter what happened, what she was wanting to be done would be. Her tail, reptilian with small yellow-ish glowing spikes upon it, rested by her paws.

"There's no stopping this, Ja'Kle." She told him, taking a step to the side, as if inviting him to try and approach further. Ja'Kle could feel there was something before him. Invisible, perhaps a barrier, that would prevent him from reaching whatever stopped the machine.

"We'll see about that." Ja'Kle replied, a disgusted drawl to his tone. As he said that sentence, his absent matter overtook his body.

He would see to it that it would, indeed, stop. That much he was certain.



Afdhjsasdadhkjasdhakjdas, I can't write action scenes for shite anymore, hahaaaa

Anyways, yeah! Wow, I actually updated within 2.5 days, that's a record! No, but seriously, I'm happy I managed that, heh. I hope ya'll liked this! I tried rather hard on it, heh!

Thank you all who are still reading this! Really, thank you all so, so, so much!

I'll be updating soon once more! So, yeah, thank you~!

~ Candle


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