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Epilogue - Lovely Rest

"Have you tried the burritos they have here? If you haven't, I'd really recommend it." The joyous, easy voice floated cleanly across the restaurant's floor. Followed by the sounds of classical music. The gentle buzz of other entities reached their ears, but it did not interrupt. Today was a day of celebration, and happiness.

Mason Amor smiled faintly, his eyes shining bright, full of life, as he sat at his chair. His arms now healing, stronger than they have been in months. His ears twitched with the wind drifting through the place of food, bringing along with it the scent of what he is to eat. He was hungry, very hungry.

"Of course, Mason's the one that gave them the directions on how to make that thing. It tastes... gods it tastes better than anything I've ever had." Ja'Kle announced, turning his head to look at his boyfriend, his love. He held out a hand, and Mason grabbed it, smiling.

The restaurant the two, and their party, were dining in was a new establishment upon the glitching planet, home of The Divine Institute of Intervention. A cafeteria of sorts, made to look as if it were a restaurant. Lunch-Rush had taken up the chance and had become the head chef there, one of the few of the Divine Intervention that remained on the planet, as Mason had disbanded the team many days prior.

"Really? Are you one that often cooks? I never took the captain of the Divine Intervention to be one to do that." A scholarly Protogen by the name of Phi-Tol asked, one of the very first Protogen to sign up for the institute. As such he, and the few other Protogen, synths, and a single reptilian species, were able to dine with Mason.

"I like cooking. What's funny is that I learned how to cook from Lunch-Rush. Well, I mean... I learned more about it, heh." Mason responded, flashing a quick smile at the Protogen, who seemed to soak in the info. Ja'Kle nodded, spooning more beans and "beef" into his maw.

"How long are you planning on staying?" A rather croaky voice asked, and Mason's eyes drifted to the other side of the table. A rather large Protogen was sitting there, with a few plates scattered out before him. Ior-Grot. Both he an Phi-Tol came from the same system, if their names weren't indicative of that. Mason shrugged his shoulders in response.

"As long as need be. I... don't want to really do much, still healing, you know." The group nodded, and Ja'Kle took his hand once more. The truth was, Mason didn't really want to leave. They were at the edge of the universe. At a new institute to create the guardsmen of the universe. He could finally rest easy and not wire and be protected for the first time in a long time. It would be heaven.

Mason brought the spoon in his plate up to his mouth, gently blowing into it before slipping it in. He enjoys good food now, old food he used to get on earth. He could sit down and enjoy it, not having to leave the cafeteria and head to a bridge. He could feel the air on his fur and the sun on him.

It was so nice.

After the rest of the evening meal went through, Mason grasped Ja'Kles hand and started to walk to the main housing quarters. Like Mason said, there was not much to do, and he really enjoyed that freedom. Although, there was much to do that his friends were dealing with on their lonesome.

"Are you still thinking about joining the new council?" Ja'Kle asked him as they entered the housing quarter. A pentagonal shaped building that dug deep into the earth. Mason and Ja'Kles rooms were at the very top floor, which was just above ground level. They had a great view of the slowly repairing landscape.

Axel planned to terraform the planet using Boson-Energy for training grounds and such. Mason was honestly excited to see where that led. In their room, if one were to squint hard enough out their window they could faintly see the small outlines of many nature-based protogen doing their hardest.

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