Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen

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Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen: Final Rest

The room was bright. Sterile, clean, devoid of dust and grime. The gentle humbuzz of the lights pierced the otherwise silent air. A window out into the universe floating by was all that showed that the universe existed beyond the box. In the middle of the room sat a particular couple. A rabbit, and a moth.

The two looked at peace, gently laid together underneath the whtie blankets, silken and comfortable. Wearing the thinnest of cloth, the softest of materials comforting their broken, sickened, bodies. The faintest of movement, the tiniest twinges of an ear or the sniffle of a nose, showcased that they were still alive, despite being as still as corpses.

That was, until the sound of a door sliding away awoke the sleeping rabbit, and those tired amethyst eyes opened to see who visited him. His tiredness was apparent, half-lidded eye-lids barely able to be held up. His bones ached with every movement, his body slim and tiny, barely withholding the strength to move the muscles.

"Brother!" The shrill voice of Mason's sister yelled, breaking the humm buzz of the lights. Mason smiled even as he flinched, the sound hurting his sensitive ears. Ja'Kle, the moth sleeping opposite to him, gently stirred, but did not awaken. The soft pitter-patter of young paws met his ears, before he saw his sister.

The rabbit slowed down before his bed, and although she had zoomed to his side, she gently grasped his boney hand, tiny fingers clenching around softly. Mason smiled softly at seeing that, as it had been a little while since he had last seen his sister, "Hannah!" A woman's voice whisper-yelled from behind her, and sugary-brown hands grasped at the young bunny, picking her up with haste.

"I'm so sorry Mason, I told her not to do that..." Mason could feel the grimace coming from his friend, and the sickly rabbit chuckled. His eyes drifted up at Marissa, his close friend, and sighed, a happy smile flashing across his sunken face.

It had been many days since he had been saved from that dark abyss, just a day since he had last awoken to realize that they had succeeded. That they had killed Divento, that everything still existed. That much was a relief. He and Ja'Kle had been asleep for a very long time at this point, barely been lucid for a few minutes before this day.

"It's alright... it's nice to finally get to see her after so long..." Mason replied, his voice tapering off as he rested his head back against his pillow. He heard Hannah murmur, and he flecked open a tired eye at his sister. She was huffing in Marissa's arms, and the lioness gently put her back down on the ground at Mason's disapproving gaze.

"Axel here...?" He asked as Hannah gently laid her head against his hand, and Mason gently played with a lock of her hair. It was comforting to his sister. Marissa nodded her head, sighing gently.

"Yea, he's here. He's brought along his force of engineers and medical experts, it's honestly impressive as shit. They're trying to find a way to use Red Boson-Energy to return you to full strength quickly." Marissa replied, frowning as her eyes turned to the side. Mason could tell she didn't like that idea.

"I don't like it either." Mason replied, turning his head gently to glance at Ja'Kle, the sleeping Mosomarian slowly cuddling into a ball beside him, sleeping so soundly, "Although it would be nice to be able to stand... I like this time I can just sleep for hours, and be right next to him. It's... peaceful. I wouldn't mind being like this for months even."

"You could just retire, you know? I think 'saving the universe' is good enough to register at your age, hah." Marissa chuckled, settling down on her knees besides Hannah, who looked tired and somber despite being happy to see her brother. It must have been the state he was currently in.

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