Chapter Seventy-Seven

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Chapter Seventy-Seven: The God of Motion and the Scream of a God


That simple ringing voice rippled through the air, a shockwave of such magnitude, and yet so calm - so collected. Rip-Cord felt his skin bubble and burst, his metallic parts stripping from his body. The God of Inorganic Creation. Not only could he create inorganics, he could destroy inorganics.

The rippling sound burst against Rip-Cord, attempting to throw him back in rapid pulses. Rip-Cord's thick skin was pushed against his muscles, his blood even being pushed back with him. He was blasted back a near ten feet in just a single second, the bright golden light of the deity blinding.

"Pathetic." Rip-Cord repeated, his visor glowing even as the nanites stripped away as his heart pounded deep in his chest. Even after so many successes, he felt the God's words ripple in his chest. If a deity called him pathetic, what was he? If he was so pathetic that a God would call him that, then what was he?

Rip-Cord chuckled with humor. He didn't need some deity's words about what he was. He didn't care anymore, he knew what he was. He effectively killed a god and helped his captain escape. He couldn't care a single bit about what a random God thought of him and his power. He couldn't care less.

He didn't need this God's approval. All he cared about was his captain's approval. And he already got that.

A surge of white electricity soured across the planes, the white lightning eviscerating the atoms of the dirt and the stone and the calcified trees. Noises scatter and light refracted as Rip-Cord fought against the God's power, overriding it with his own willpower and the Overclock serum pumping through his veins.

A resounding booming electric shock ran across the dirt, disintegrating and entrofying the individual molecules. Rip-Cord's flesh and metal are no longer stripped from his body. The God was a being of Boson Energy. All they needed to do was use a greater source of power, and they could fight. And Rip-Cord was going to fight. Oh, he was going to fight.

A blanket of white noises erupted across the surroundings, time slowing to a crawl even as the two Gods fought against one another. Rip-Cord held his claws, shifting as his body traveled through the air in a semicircle, once again angling his paw to kick the deity. Rip-Cord's visor splits open on his own volition, the nanites melting with the amount of force and acceleration brought upon them.

"I am not pathetic." Rip-Cord whispered, nanites dripping to reveal the skull beneath his visor. The time dilation was the only thing that was keeping him conscious and breathing, but the second he stepped out was the end for him. And Rip-Cord was fine with that. He knew that someone had to die, and it might as well be him at his very peak. It might as well be against fighting the God's. It might as well be saving the universe.

Silence overtook the land as the two God's squared off. Rip-Cord's paw connected with the deity, flashing in a spark of white lightning, the acceleration tearing flesh off of his paw, heat expanding and rising as it struck down. Rip-Cord turned off his pain sensors. He didn't need it anymore. He wouldn't need it.

"How is this for pathetic." Rip-Cord asked, his voice so close to a whisper it was nearly inaudible. The sound didn't even register as the deity was kicked to the side, rivaling and surpassing the speed of light as he impacted the ground, His body impacting the ground in less than an attosecond. The crater bloomed up, so fast that it too rivaled the speed of light.

Rip-Cord used his power to spin himself upright, gripping his heart shield and unsheathing it. There was no time for wait for him to get up. Rip-Cord gripped it, spinning himself into the air, and he then sent himself crashing down to the God with the speed of a meteor. He gripped the shield, flashing a devilish grin as he impacted the earth, the shield nearly shattering with the speed.

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