Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten: A Rather Idiotic Error

"What else can I tell you? I snuck on because I was pissed." Ja'Kle replied, a deep frown ingrained within his features. With a flick of his wrist, he sent some of the dust coating his useless wings flying off.

Freefall grimaced as she ran her fingers against her thigh, rattling them against the metallic sheets. While it had been about a year or so since she had to interrogate someone, Ja'Kle was about the most stubborn person she had ever met.

"No, there has to be more than that. No one breaks that many laws, that many regulations and endangers themselves, just because they wanted some answers. What are you not telling us?" She asked, a light blue glow coming off from her visor.

"Ey, Freefall, lay off of him." Came an interesting voice through the mic. Freefall turned her head to the one-way window, her visor breaking apart into an aggressive snarl. She was fine with her creator interrupting her interrogation, if only barely. But this? She would not have any of it.

"Stick a pipe up your own tailpipe, Gear-Work. Don't you have shit to fix far away from here?" She asked, her claws clenched tightly into a fist. She couldn't do anything to affect Gear-Work, partly because he was so valuable to their team, and partly because she needed to see his body to use Miranda Rights, her power.

"Nah, fixed most of the front deck as best as I could. Still, since I can't use meh power, I am unable to do most of the work myself. Gotta wait for the repair crew to come down." He spoke into the microphone, and Freefall sighed.

"Yeah, what is up with that? How the hell can you just... just freeze me?" Ja'Kle asked, standing up from his seat. Freefall glanced at him, and with a little stress on her claws, she immobilized the man. Still as a statue, except for his head.

"It's my power, dipshit. All Protogen on this ship have something or other to help them. I make sure no one, and I mean no one, escapes the brig." She told the Mosomarian, boldly smirking, her visor just ever so slightly tearing across from side to side, segmented like a smile.

"Freefall, please refrain from cursing, you know that captain doesn't like that." Yet another voice entered the room, this time it was Northern's voice, the 'sister' to Arctic. She had that regal, upper wealthy person's posh accent, with none of the malice.

"Jeezus, you too? How many... Whatever, just leave me be." Freefall told them, her claws clenched into an even tighter fist. Ja'Kle just observed the protogen, trying to see if there was anything that could explain her power.

"Anyways, me and Gear-Work wanted to let you know that the repair crew will be here shortly. They're in orbit as of right now, but due to the Fold-Stream, and their transport, they need to wait a bit before descending." Northern told her.

"Fold-Stream?" Ja'Kle asked, just as confused as ever. Freefall grimaced once again, as was natural for her. Her segmented visor split open once more, allowing her to 'bite' her lip as she turned.

"Fuck it. Fold-Stream: The process in which, using a particular energy source, allows an object and all therein to slip between the Folds of Space-Time, and move space around them without moving an inch." She gave the definition to the Mosomarian.

"That's how we got to planet to planet so fast, and why we're so royally screwed right now. The generators for said energy are completely bust, so we can't go anywhere without fixing shit. Shit that Gear-Work needs to do instead of harassing me!" She yelled back to the window.

"Whatever. Have a nice day, Freefall." A somewhat sad voice came through the mic once more, obviously the supposed Gear-Work. Northern gave a humph, before leaving as well, turning off the mic.

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