Chapter Forty-Six

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Chapter Forty-Six: Which one is going to be the Mom?

"So... Wait- you got blessed by a God. Both of you?" The perplexed voice of The Divine Intervention's scientist asked his captain.

"Apparently." Mason replied as he sat back up, sighing deeply. His shining purple eyes were tired and drained, and yet they still contained a small portion of annoyance for being back in the lab.

After what happened with the God of Absences Nyarlathotep, as was his appropriate title, Mason and the rest of the group, including a nearly unconscious Ja'Kle, took their pods and returned to The Divine Intervention, mostly alright.

Mason had stopped to make sure that Fallout was all right, but it appears that the ruby protogen wanted to be left alone for the most part, as he had his guilty conscience splayed out like a fresh corpse in a battlefield. After that, Mason took Ja'Kle to Gear-Work, where he still was, being taken care of.

Ruinate scoffed, turning to his side as he looked through the data given to him by the tank of gases and smells that he had subjected his captain to before, "Well, at least you don't have a singular micro-ounce of Black-Boson Energy in you anymore. That's good."

Ruinate frowned as he threw the report back onto his lab's table, scratching the side of his nanite visor like he had a bad itch, "But, what I don't get is what a 'blessing' is. It's obviously not Boson Energy, and that chip of whatever that God gave you is giving me literally nothing. It's frustrating, is what it is."

Mason shrugged, tiredly wiping his eyes with his hand, "Whatever it is, at least we know something else that Gods can do. Make a prophet, or whatever. I think that's how it worked. I haven't read the Bible in like, seven or eight years..." Mason replied.

"I doubt that book you've rambled about contains information on scientific Gods, captain sir." Ruinate retorted, sorting through a few sheets of papers, "We protogen, technically you too, created these Gods from Boson Energy. Pure science."

"That doesn't... whatever, I'm too tired for this shit right now." Mason replied once more, pressing his overly warm paws against the cold white table in hopes that the temperature difference would give him something to focus on in the nearly deafening silence of the room.

Mason guessed the protogen was right, to a certain extent. If these Gods existed now, then perhaps the God that nearly 2.5 billion people had believed didn't. Mason still wasn't sure, given just how vast space was and how little the protogen understood it, even this far advanced in technology. It was truly insane how many mysteries the universe still contained.

Even the protogen didn't know what happened after death.

Mason himself had gone through that crisis already, multiple times in fact, and each and every time that he had one, he found solace in the knowledge that he wouldn't have to worry about it until he grew much, much older. How have the times changed...

He guessed he simply didn't care anymore. The idea of something or nothing after that final breath, or that last thought, was neither comforting or distasteful. Despite how many times Mason had looked death in the eyes fighting the Pattern-Screamer menace, he couldn't find any comfort in either explanation.

The purple scientist soon returned to his station, settling down before a chair and pulling at his circular ears, groaning as he couldn't find anything out about that 'blessing' Nyarlathotep had given them. Mason wasn't worried about figuring that out either, he honestly just wanted to give the blessing to Ja'Kle, and go from there.

Although, there was one thing that made Mason hope that there was an afterlife. That gave him some faith in the divine back on earth. B-64, and his untimely death.

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