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It was getting cold as dark came in, creeping like a spiderweb to linger over everyone.

Saki slipped through the underbush, trying to stay quiet and unfound. The rubble of the main entrance to the academy was next to her, so close that she could almost touch it, but she wasn't going to.

It was just as well that Level Es had torn aside part of the fence next to the gate, or she would have had to go over the rubble and risk being spotted. If she had, she would definitely have been spotted. Yagari would have noticed she was missing by now, and would probably be monitoring all the escape routes out of the academy.

A snap sounded next to her and immediately she jumped, her head flicking towards the sound.

A small, brown rabbit leapt past her, its ears quivering in terror. A second rabbit followed, a dusty grey one, which leapt straight over her feet without a second glance.

A small crease formed in Saki's brow. In all the experiences she's had with rabbits, they were dead terrified of humans, unless they were domestic. So why had they just gone right past her without a second thought?

"I don't see why the headmaster wanted us to clear the rubble and check for anything," a sleepy voice complained. Saki could picture his ice blue eyes drooping with boredom as he spoke. "It's not like there's anything there." It came from close by, to her right. Her heart quickened as she began to ease forward, taking extravagant care with where she placed her feet.

"Did you hear something?" A new voice. Female. It sounded like Rima.

"Hear what?" Senri asked. "We're in some sort of forest. Surely there is some animal that make sounds."

"Hmm." Rima didn't sound completely convinced, but she didn't pursue it. With a mental sigh of relief, Saki continued to step forward, every foot poised to create minimal noise.

"Can you go and check that way?" Rima's voice came again. "I'll take a look around over here."

Saki heard Senri's mumbled answer, but was even more aware of the sounds of movement towards her. Immediately she turned, ready to flee.

Too late. Rima appeared less than two metres away from her. As their eyes met, a silence stretched between them, as Saki debated over whether she should run away.

"I thought I heard something," Rima finally broke the silence. "You're leaving." Running away was a better term for it, Saki thought.

"Yeah," her voice was uncomfortable, as she took a small step back.

"It's none of my business," Rima shrugged. Turning, she began to leave. "I'll leave you to it." She disappeared into the undergrowth.

Saki blinked. Slowly she breathed out a sigh of relief. Turning, she ran in the opposite direction Rima had taken.


Yagari thought he saw a glimpse of a brown-haired girl. She had short, unevenly cropped brown hair which bounced around slightly as she ran through an open space and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Her movements were like a deer, leaping gracefully but with a fear. Saki wasn't like that was she?

Either way, she was too far away for Yagari to bother with. If it was her - he hoped it wasn't.


An old woman made her way slowly along the path, her walking stick tapping the ground. The cemetery next to her remained grey and bleak, high up the hilly plains. Wind began to blow then, gusting through her skirts and her hair. The bun she kept her greying hair in began to unravel, but she didn't do anything about it. Her sharp eyes were focused on something else.

A girl stood at a gravestone, her head bowed and her slender figure sagging over. Something silver glinted in her hands, which she placed carefully at the foot of the stone. She knelt there for some time, likely saying something to whoever that had passed on.

The wind snatched her words, blowing them towards the old woman, and whispering it in her ears.

"Love...always." A faint smile traced itself onto the woman's lips, but it was gone immediately. She had lost many loved ones and knew the pain. That girl would move on, healing those scars. She would become a beautiful woman, and find someone else to love.


I couldn't help it lol XD I had to write an epilogue, even though it sounded more like a chapter at first rather than an epilogue. I might...might write a second story, but it's likely that there won't be regular updates - they might end up coming once every two weeks or something :3 Thanks for reading! And don't forget to vote and comment ^~^


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