Chapter 90: Attack on Cross Academy

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"Ichiru, please don't fight Rido," I begged the silver-haired vampire hunter for the millionth time. "All that's going to do is hurt me and kill you."

"So why did you fight him?" Ichiru looked down at me with his lavender eyes. "Didn't you think I was worried?"

"I..." I looked at the ground, trying to come up with something. All I did was hit a blank.

"I'll be fine," Ichiru promised again. "I have a plan. Just promise me you'll keep your distance from Rido. You almost got killed."

"You have to promise something as well then," I stared up at him defiantly.

"What is that?"

"Promise me you'll come back to me." It was a stupid promise I knew, but I was on the verge of a mental breakdown. I just wanted something to cling to. Something to reassure me Ichiru will be fine.

"I'll try my best," Ichiru replied amusedly. "But you have to keep your promise."

"I promise," I replied hesitantly. "I'll stay away from Rido." Something told me it wasn't going to happen, whether I could help it or not.

"I'll trust you," Ichiru's arm tightened around me. "I think we should go down now. It's getting windier."

As we left the rooftop, I never knew what exactly was going to happen.


The academy looked somewhat bleak and desolate as Ichiru and I came out of the main building. No one saw us surprisingly, despite Ichiru being a hunted criminal. The Day Class wouldn't understand though.

"I suppose you'll want to go to the Moon Dorm now," Ichiru glanced at me as we walked alongside one another. "To go and see Yuuki and all."

"Maybe," I replied, shrugging. "Does it really matter?"

"I-" Ichiru's answer broke off as something hit me in the back, knocking me onto the ground. "Saki!"

A senseless howl rang through the air as a maddened, distorted man ran at Ichiru, his fingers like claws and his eyes popping as veins twisted his face.

"Get away!" Ichiru leapt back. I didn't know if he was talking to the Level E or me. I decided to pretend it was the Level E.

The metallic flash of a blade sliced through the air shone in the sun as Ichiru slashed at the Level E. As soon as the blade cut into the shoulder of the vampire, it disintegrated into dust, a grey, cloudy mess.

"What was that?" I stared at the heap of dust in front of us.

"A Level E," Ichiru replied, his voice hard. "Don't tell me-"

"I know what he is," I interrupted him. "But why would a Level E turn up in the academ - Oh."

"Oh, is right," Ichiru grimaced. "We have to warn the headmaster."


"I want the Day Class evacuated through the emergency route," Kaien's authoritive voice ordered. "With vampires attacking the academy, we have to get them to safety." When Ichiru and I had reached the headmaster's office, Zero was already there, reporting vampire attacks. We weren't the only ones it seemed.

"I'll go," Seiren spoke up, her quiet, but no-nonsense voice telling us she had made her choice.

Vampires had attacked the academy and everyone knew who was behind it. It was a matter of time before we would have vampires around every corner and behind every tree. Kaien, Yagari, Zero, Ruka, Akatsuki, Hanabusa, Senri, Rima, and previously Seiren, along with me were in the headmaster's office. Kaname, Yuuki, Takuma, and Ichiru were nowhere to be seen. Shortly after we reached the office, Ichiru had disappeared, leaving me behind.

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