Chapter 87: Big Mistake

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"Are you going to show me where you've been hiding?" I asked Ichiru as we slipped back into the academy. "I won't tell anyone."

"It's a secret," Ichiru placed a finger over his lips. "And if you knew, you might be in danger."

"I don't care," I lied. The chill of being in danger again, clenched my stomach, worsening at the thought that I might put Ichiru in danger as well.

"Of course not," Ichiru planted a kiss on my forehead. "You should go back to the dorm now anyway."

"Good night." I decided to let his secret hideout remain a secret. "Be careful, okay?"

"I will." The figure of Ichiru faded into the night, his silvery hair eventually swallowed into the darkness.

As I watched him disappear, the realisation struck me then, how much I would miss him if he disappeared. If he did fight Rido - he would be killed. I just can't let that happen.

There was a figure standing on the roof of the Moon Dorm. That's where he is.

I slipped into the Moon Dorm, a plan forming in my head. Senri's battle with Kaname over, no doubt, seeing as Senri's standing up on the roof. I'm pretty sure both sides are unharmed. Two purebloods pitted against each other. Monsters fighting.

The door to my room clicked shut behind me. It was empty, moonlight shining through the open window as the curtains bucked in a sudden gust of wind. It was getting windy.

Walking over, I pulled the windows shut, but let the curtains stay open, just so the moonlight would keep shining through. It was a comforting sight, seeing the white light.

A sight I might not see again.

Stifling a sigh, I sat on the edge of my bed. Reaching underneath, I pulled out a long wooden box. Placing it on the bed beside me, I reached under again and pulled out a second.

The wooden surfaces of the box glistened slightly in the moonlight. They were my weapon. My defense. I couldn't go back now.

Unclasping one box, I drew out a quiver of arrows placing it on the bed on my other side. Ten arrows. They had better be enough.

Out of the second box, I drew out my silver bow. It shone dully, almost as though it was aware of what was going to happen.

"Sorry, Ichiru," I whispered into the air. He wouldn't hear me, but it was just a thought.

Standing up, I slung the quiver over my shoulder, the bow in my hand. There was one way to get to the top of the roof, through the fire exit.

Shoving open the heavy door, I made my way up a flight of stairs. With each step, the realisation of my possible doom grew, engulfing me until I felt ready to quit. I can't chicken out though. He was expecting me, I knew.

At the top of the stairs, I pushed open a second door, the wind blowing through slightly, and sending strands of hair in my face.

"I was expecting you," Senri's voice drifted over the roof. He stood with his back to me, on the other side of the roof. "Always so stubborn."

"Is there something wrong with that?" I challenged the vampire. "I'm still going to destroy you." My knuckles clenched as my grip tightened on my bow.

"How scary," Senri turned around to face me at last. "A challenge must be answered." With exaggerated boredness, he raised a finger to his lips. A pale fang pierced the skin on the tip of his finger, drawing out a bead of blood. As I watched with horrified fascination, the blood slowly dripped out in a length, extending to become a whip of blood.

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